Animation of Bubbles in Liquid
We present a new fluid animation technique in which liquid and gas interact with each other, using the exampleof bubbles rising in water. In contrast to previous studies which only focused on one fluid, our system considersboth the liquid and the gas simultaneously. In addition to the flowing motion, the interactions between liquid andgas cause buoyancy, surface tension, deformation and movement of the bubbles. For the natural manipulationof topological changes and the removal of the numerical diffusion, we combine the volume-of-fluid method andthe front-tracking method developed in the field of computational fluid dynamics. Our minimum-stress surfacetension method enables this complementary combination. The interfaces are constructed using the marching cubesalgorithm. Optical effects are rendered using vertex shader techniques.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Animation
@article {10.1111:1467-8659.00672,
journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
title = {{Animation of Bubbles in Liquid}},
author = {Hong, Jeong-Mo and Kim, Chang-Hun},
year = {2003},
publisher = {Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1467-8659},
DOI = {10.1111/1467-8659.00672}
journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
title = {{Animation of Bubbles in Liquid}},
author = {Hong, Jeong-Mo and Kim, Chang-Hun},
year = {2003},
publisher = {Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1467-8659},
DOI = {10.1111/1467-8659.00672}