dc.description.abstract | We propose a fast, high quality tone mapping technique to display high contrast images on devices with limited dynamicrange of luminance values. The method is based on logarithmic compression of luminance values, imitatingthe human response to light. A bias power function is introduced to adaptively vary logarithmic bases, resultingin good preservation of details and contrast. To improve contrast in dark areas, changes to the gamma correctionprocedure are proposed. Our adaptive logarithmic mapping technique is capable of producing perceptually tunedimages with high dynamic content and works at interactive speed. We demonstrate a successful application of ourtone mapping technique with a high dynamic range video player enabling to adjust optimal viewing conditions forany kind of display while taking into account user preference concerning brightness, contrast compression, anddetail reproduction.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]: Image Representation | en_US |