EG 1998 Conference Proceedings

Recent Submissions

  • A Framework for Synchronized Editing of Multiple Curve Representations 

    Grimm, Cindy; Ayers, Matthew (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    Editing curves and surfaces is difficult in part because their mathematical representations rarely correspond to most peopleâ s idea of a curve or surface. The implementation (and hence, behavior) of most manipulation ...
  • Animation of Biological Organ Growth Based on L-systems 

    Durikovic, Roman; Kaneda, Kazufumi; Yamashita, Hideo (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    In contrast with the growth of plants and trees, human organs can undergo significant changes in shape through a variety of global transformations during the growth period, such as bending or twisting. In our approach, the ...
  • Fast Feature-Based Metamorphosis and Operator Design 

    Lee, Tong-Yee; Lin, Young-Ching; Sun, Y.N.; Lin, Leeween (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    Metamorphosis is a powerful visual technique, for producing interesting transition between two images or volume data. Image or volume metamorphosis using simple features provides flexible and easy control of visual effect. ...
  • Interactive 3D Morphing 

    Bao, Hujun; Peng, Qunsheng (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    A new 3D morphing algorithm for polyhedral objects with the same genus is presented in the paper. Our main contribution is an efficient and general algorithm for setting up the vertex correspondence between the polyhedra. ...
  • Colour Illustrations 

    Unknown author (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
  • Anno 2010 - Remembering Our Future: Challenges and Frontiers of Human-Media Technology as the Kernel for Human-Centered Computing 

    Encarnacao, Jose (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    Based on a forecast by Battelle, Human-Media Technology is one of "technologyâ s top 10 challenges and opportunities" for the year 2010. The subject hereby is: "Humans live, science finds out how technology conforms". The ...
  • The Art of Knitted Fabrics, Realistic & Physically Based Modelling Of Knitted Patterns 

    Meißner, M.; Eberhardt, B. (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    In this paper we will present a system to use three dimensional computer graphics in garment design. This system is capable to visualize the "real", i.e. the physically correct, appearance of a knitted fabric. A fast ...
  • Mass-Spring Simulation using Adaptive Non-Active Points 

    Howlett, P.; Hewitt, W.T. (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    This paper introduces an adaptive component to a mass-spring system as used in the modelling of cloth for computer animation. The new method introduces non-active points to the model which can adapt the shape of the cloth ...
  • A New Approach for Direct Manipulation of Free-Form Curve 

    Zheng, J.M.; Chan, K.W.; Gibson, I. (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    There is an increasing demand for more intuitive methods for creating and modifying free-form curves and surfaces in CAD modeling systems. The methods should be based not only on the change of the mathematical parameters, ...
  • An Enhanced Spring Model for Information Visualization 

    Theisel, Holger; Kreuseler, Matthias (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    In this paper we present a new technique for visualizing multidimensional information. We describe objects of a higher dimensional information space as small closed free-form-surfaces in the visualization. The location, ...
  • The Convergence of Graphics and Imaging 

    Foley, James D. (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    Over twenty years ago a SIGGRAPH panel session addressed the convergence of computer graphics and image processing. At that time the emphasis was on low-level operations such as filtering to avoid anti-aliasing, and related ...
  • A Bernstein-Bezier Based Approach to Soft Tissue Simulation 

    Roth, S.H.; Gross, Markus H.; Turello, Silvio; Carls, Friedrich R. (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    This paper discusses a Finite Element approach for volumetric soft tissue modeling in the context of facial surgery simulation. We elaborate on the underlying physics and address some computational aspects of the finite ...
  • Real-time Biomechanically-based Muscle Volume Deformation using FEM 

    Zhu, Qing-hong; Chen, Yan; Kaufman, Arie (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    This paper presents a voxel-based biomechanical model for muscle deformation using finite element method (FEM) and volume graphics. Hierarchical voxel meshes are reconstructed from filtered segmented muscle images followed ...
  • Rapid and Accurate Contact Determination between Spline Models using ShellTrees 

    Krishnan, S.; Gopi, M.; Lin, M.; Manocha, D.; Pattekar, A. (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    In this paper, we present an efficient algorithm for contact determination between spline models. We make use of a new hierarchy, called ShellTree, that comprises of spherical shells and oriented bounding boxes. Each ...
  • Emotion Editing using Finite Elements 

    Koch, Rolf M.; Gross, Markus H.; Bosshard, Albert A. (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    This paper describes the prototype of a facial expression editor. In contrast to existing systems the presented editor takes advantage of both medical data for the simulation and the consideration of facial anatomy during ...
  • Subdivision Schemes for Thin Plate Splines 

    Weimer, Henrik; Warren, Joe (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    Thin plate splines are a well known entity of geometric design. They are defined as the minimizer of a variational problem whose differential operators approximate a simple notion of bending energy. Therefore, thin plate ...
  • Molecular Dynamics Simulation in Virtual Environments 

    Ai, Z.; Frohlich, T. (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    A virtual environment for interactive molecular dynamics simulation has been designed and implemented at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics. Different kinds of virtual reality devices are used in the environment ...
  • Using Wavefront Tracing for the Visualization and Optimization of Progressive Lenses 

    Loos, J.; Slusallek, Ph.; Seidel, H.-P. (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    Progressive addition lenses are a relatively new approach to compensate for defects of the human visual system. While traditional spectacles use rotationally symmetric lenses, progressive lenses require the specification ...
  • Conservative Visibility and Strong Occlusion for Viewspace Partitioning of Densely Occluded Scenes 

    Cohen-Or, Daniel; Fibich, Gadi; Halperin, Dan; Zadicario, Eyal (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    Computing the visibility of out-door scenes is often much harder than of in-door scenes. A typical urban scene, for example, is densely occluded, and it is effective to precompute its visibility space, since from a given ...
  • Frontiers in User-Computer Interaction 

    Van Dam, Andries (Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1998)
    In this age of (near-)adequate computing power, the power and usability of the user interface is as key to an applicationâ s success as its functionality. Most of the code in modern desktop productivity applications resides ...

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