Browsing Graphics Dissertation Online by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 395
3D Modelling and Reconstruction of Peripheral Arteries
(La Cruz, Jan 2006)Ein Modell ist eine vereinfachte Repräsentationsform eines Objekts. DieModellbildung kann als Formen von individuellen Objekte bezeichnet werden,die später in der Szene Verwendung finden. Seit vielen Jahren ... -
3D Reconstruction and Rendering from High Resolution Light Fields
(ETH Zurich, 2015)This thesis presents a complete processing pipeline of densely sampled, high resolution light fields, from acquisition to rendering. The key components of the pipeline include 3D scene reconstruction, geometry-driven ... -
3D scene analysis through non-visual cues
(University College London, 2019-10-06)The wide applicability of scene analysis from as few viewpoints as possible attracts the attention of many scientific fields, ranging from augmented reality to autonomous driving and robotics. When approaching 3D problems ... -
3D Simulation of external beam radiotherapy
(Karangelis, Grigorios, Dec 2004)Cancer belongs to a group of disease characterized by tumor growth and spread, and is the most significant health care problem in European and Western Countries. The clinical processes used to treat cancer can be separated ... -
Accelerating the Rendering Process Using Impostors
(Jeschke, 2005)Die Darstellung dreidimensionaler geometrischer Modelle zur Erzeugung glaubw ürdiger Bilder ist in der Computergrafik ein Gebiet von großem Interesse. Eine besondere Herausforderung ist hierbei die Erstellung einer ... -
Accurate 3D-reconstruction and -navigation for high-precision minimal-invasive interventions
(2016-02-03)The current lateral skull base surgery is largely invasive since it requires wide exposure and direct visualization of anatomical landmarks to avoid damaging critical structures. A multi-port approach aiming to reduce such ... -
Acquisition, Encoding and Rendering of Material Appearance Using Compact Neural Bidirectional Texture Functions
(2021-11-23)This thesis addresses the problem of photo-realistic rendering of real-world materials. Currently the most faithful approach to render an existing material is scanning the Bidirectional Reflectance Function (BTF), which ... -
Adaptive Semantics Visualization
(2014-11-27)Human access to the increasing amount of information and data plays an essential role for the professional level and also for everyday life. While information visualization has developed new and remarkable ways for visualizing ... -
Adjoint-Driven Importance Sampling in Light Transport Simulation
(Charles University, Prague, 2017-06-26)Monte Carlo light transport simulation has recently been adopted by the movie industry as a standard tool for producing photo realistic imagery. As the industry pushes current technologies to the very edge of their ... -
Advanced Editing Methods for Image and Video Sequences
(Granados, 2013-09-10)In the context of image and video editing, this thesis proposes methods for modifying the semantic content of a recorded scene. Two different editing problems are approached: First, the removal of ghosting artifacts from ... -
Advanced Methods for Relightable Scene Representations in Image Space
(Fuchs, Martin, 2008-12-15)The realistic reproduction of visual appearance of real-world objectsrequires accurate computer graphics models that describe the opticalinteraction of a scene with its surroundings. Data-driven approachesthat model the ... -
Advances on computational imaging, material appearance, and virtual reality
(Universidad de Zaragoza, 2019-04-29)Visual computing is a recently coined term that embraces many subfields in computer science related to the acquisition, analysis, or synthesis of visual data through the use of computer resources. What brings all these ... -
Algorithms and Interfaces for Real-Time Deformation of 2D and 3D Shapes
(Jacobson, 2013-05-01)This thesis investigates computer algorithms and user interfaces which assist in the process of deforming raster images, vector graphics, geometric models and animated characters in real time. Many recent works have focused ... -
Algorithms for 3D Isometric Shape Correspondence - Algorithms for 3D Isometric Shape Correspondence
(Sahillioglu, 2012-08-01)There are many pairs of objects in the digital world that need to be related before performing any comparison, transfer, or analysis in between. The shape correspondence algorithms essentially address this problem by taking ... -
Algorithms for Data-Driven Geometric Stylization & Acceleration
(University of Toronto, 2022-09-29)In this thesis, we investigate computer algorithms for creating stylized 3D digital content and numerical tools for processing high-resolution geometric data. This thesis first addresses the problem of geometric ... -
Algorithms for User-Guided Surface Mappings
(ETH Zurich, 2015)Computing mappings between spaces is a very general problem that appears in various forms in geometry processing. They can be used to provide descriptions or representations of shapes, or place shapes in correspondence. ... -
Alves dos Santos, Luiz: Asymmetric and Adaptive Conference Systems for Enabling Computer-Supported Mobile Activities
(Alves dos Santos, Luiz Manoel, 2003)This work was conducted at the Darmstadt University of Technology, essentially between 1998 and 2002. Before and during this period, I was working at the INI-GraphicsNet, Darmstadt, first in the Zentrum für Graphische ... -
Analysis and Generation of Quality Polytopal Meshes with Applications to the Virtual Element Method
(University of Genoa, Department of Mathematics, 2022-08-31)This thesis explores the concept of the quality of a mesh, the latter being intended as the discretization of a two- or three- dimensional domain. The topic is interdisciplinary in nature, as meshes are massively used in ... -
Analysis and Visualization of Industrial CT Data
(Heinzl, Dec 2008)Die industrielle 3D Röntgencomputertomographie (3DCT) steht derzeitan der Schwelle von einer zerstörungsfreien Werkstoffprüfmethode hin zueiner genormten Methode für dimensionales Messen. 3DCT wird vor allemim Bereich der ... -
Anatomical Modeling for Image Analysis in Cardiology
(Zambal, Mar 2009)Eine der häufigsten Todesursachen in der westlichen Welt sind kardiovaskuläre Krankheiten. Für die Diagnose dieser Krankheiten erönen modernebildgebende Verfahren beeindruckende Möglichkeiten. ...