Now showing items 521-540 of 742

    • Different Photogrammetric Approaches to 3D Survey of the Mausoleum of Romulus in Rome 

      Adami, Andrea; Cerato, Ivana; d'Annibale, Enzo; Demetrescu, Emanuel; Ferdani, Daniele (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      In recent years, digital photogrammetry has enjoyed a renewed approval in the field of Cultural Heritage. This is due both to the relative cheapness of the instruments (a high resolution camera, possibly a reflex with good ...
    • MVE - A Multi-View Reconstruction Environment 

      Fuhrmann, Simon; Langguth, Fabian; Goesele, Michael (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      We present MVE, the Multi-View Environment. MVE is an end-to-end multi-view geometry reconstruction software which takes photos of a scene as input and produces a surface triangle mesh as result. The system covers a ...
    • Low-Cost Real-Time 3D Reconstruction of Large-Scale Excavation Sites using an RGB-D Camera 

      Zollhöfer, Michael; Siegl, Christian; Riffelmacher, Bert; Vetter, Mark; Dreyer, Boris; Stamminger, Marc; Bauer, Frank (The Eurographics Association, 2014)
      In this paper, we present an end-to-end pipeline for the online reconstruction of large-scale outdoor environments and tightly confined indoor spaces using a low-cost consumer-level hand-held RGB-D sensor. While scanning, ...
    • Fluid Interaction in Audio-Guided Museum Visit: Authoring Tool and Visitor Device 

      Kaghat, Fatima-Zahra; Cubaud, Pierre (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      This paper presents an integrated system for location aware museum audio guide supporting sound spatialization. This system consists of a multi-modal visitor device composed of a head position, an orientation tracker and ...
    • "The Approval of the Franciscan Rule" - Virtual Experience among the Characters of Giotto's Work 

      Pietroni, Eva; Antinucci, Francesco (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      Within the exhibition ''Giotto's colours'' opened to public from the 10th of April to the 5th of September 2010 in ssisi, the National Research Council realized an innovative project creating a virtual environment from the ...
    • Exploration of Large-scale Museum Artifacts through Non-instrumented, Location-based, Multi-user Interaction 

      Zabulis, Xenophon; Grammenos, Dimitris; Sarmis, Thomas; Tzevanidis, Kostantinos; Argyros, Antonis A. (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      This paper presents a system that supports the exploration of digital representations of large-scale museum artifacts in through non-instrumented, location-based interaction. The system employs a state-of-the-art computer ...
    • GigaMesh and Gilgamesh 3D Multiscale Integral Invariant Cuneiform Character Extraction 

      Mara, Hubert; Krömker, Susanne; Jakob, Stefan; Breuckmann, Bernd (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      As assyriologists have to handle tremendous amounts of important documents of ancient history written in cuneiform script, like the epic of Gilgamesh, we are developing an efficent system to support their daily tasks. ...
    • A High-Level Tool for Curators of 3D Virtual Visits and ist Application to a Virtual Exhibition of Renaissance Frescoes 

      Chittaro, Luca; Ieronutti, Lucio; Ranon, Roberto; Siotto, Eliana; Visintini, Domenico (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      This paper presents a high-level tool to build 3D virtual exhibitions from pre-existing 3D models and design virtual visits. Our tool exploits AI techniques and careful interaction design to require minimal technical ...
    • 3D-ISF: An Impact Measurement Tool for Business and Strategic Planning in ICT and 3D Heritage Applications 

      Kaminski, Jaime; Mcloughlin, Jim; Sodagar, Babak (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      Despite the multitude of impact measurement techniques available to heritage site managers there is a case for the bigger strategic picture to figure more strongly in impact measurement decision making for ICT and 3D ...
    • A Distributed Object Repository for Cultural Heritage 

      Pan, Xueming; Beckmann, Philipp; Havemann, Sven; Tzompanaki, K.; Doerr, Martin; Fellner, Dieter W. (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      This paper describes the design and the implementation of a distributed object repository that offers cultural heritage experts and practitioners a working platform to access, use, share and modify digital content. The ...
    • Semantic Enrichment of Geographic Data and 3D Models for the Management of Archaeological Features 

      Felicetti, Achille; Lorenzini, Matteo; Niccolucci, Franco (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      The present paper describes various technologies to link semantic information to 3D models during the process of management of 3D data and geometries used by the archaeologists for the reconstruction of ancient monuments ...
    • A Repository for 3D Model Production and Interpretation in Culture and Beyond 

      Doerr, Martin; Tzompanaki, Katerina; Theodoridou, Maria; Georgis, Ch.; Axaridou, A.; Havemann, Sven (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      In order to support the work of researchers in the production, processing and interpretation of complex digital objects and the dissemination of valuable and diverse information to a broad spectrum of audience there is ...
    • AnnoMAD: A Semantic Framework for the Management and the Integration of Full-text Excavation Data and Geographic Information 

      Felicetti, Achille; Samaes, Melissa; Nys, Karin; Niccolucci, Franco (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      This paper describes the advances in the development of the AnnoMAD System, a modular framework created by PIN and The Cyprus Institute for the management and the integration of free-text archaeological data and geographic ...
    • Analyzing Fracture Patterns in TheranWall Paintings 

      Shin, Hijung; Doumas, Christos; Funkhouser, Thomas; Rusinkiewicz, Szymon; Steiglitz, Kenneth; Vlachopoulos, Andreas; Weyrich, Tim (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      In this paper, we analyze the fracture patterns observed in wall paintings excavated from Akrotiri, a Bronze Age Aegean city destroyed by earthquakes preceding a volcanic eruption on Thera (modern Santorini) around 1630 ...
    • Rollouts of Fine Ware Pottery using High Resolution 3D Meshes 

      Bechtold, Sebastian; Krömker, Susanne; Mara, Hubert; Kratzmüller, Bettina (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      A common part of the documentation of archaeological finds is the drawing of so-called rollouts. Rollouts provide a complete and continuous depiction of graphical elements on the surface of rotation-symmetric objects and ...
    • LIDO and CRMdig from a 3D Cultural Heritage Documentation Perspective 

      Pitzalis, Denis; Niccolucci, Franco; Theodoriou, Maria; Doerr, Martin (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      The most important characteristic of Digital Libraries is their flexibility in exposing content. Typically a DL provides a search interface which allows resources to be found. These resources can be local or remote, depending ...
    • ViSMan: an Open-Source Visualization Framework for Virtual Reconstructions and Data Management in Archaeology 

      Diamanti, Tiziano; Blasco, Pilar Diarte; Guidazzoli, Antonella; López, Maria Sebastián; Toffalori, Elena (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      This paper aims at analyzing some case-studies in Virtual Archaeology where 3d reconstructions have been used as a tool for visualization and spatial organization of structured archaeological data. ViSMan (Visual Scenarios ...
    • Natural Lighting, Gilts and Polychromy of Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral 

      Callet, Patrick; Dumazet, Sylvain; Leclercq, Christophe; Politi, Carine (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      Lighting either natural or not in the european medieval architecture (roman period) is studied and simulated around a special and famous example. "Notre-Dame de Paris" cathedral and its polychromy are studied for many years ...
    • Removing Shadows for Color Projection Using Sun Position Estimation 

      Dellepiane, Matteo; Benedetti, Luca; Scopigno, Roberto (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      The result of an outdoors 3D scanning acquisition campaign is usually an accurate 3D model of the site, but in most of the cases the quality of the color acquired by the scanner is not satisfying. Alternative solutions, ...
    • WreckSight: Revealing our Submerged Maritime Heritage 

      Rowland, Chris; Anderson, John (The Eurographics Association, 2010)
      This paper describes WreckSight, an interactive application for viewing aesthetically considered, accurate, 3D visualisations of historic shipwrecks on the seabed. Maritime heritage sites around the world, especially ...