Now showing items 341-360 of 378

    • Efficient Max-Norm Distance Computation and Reliable Voxelization 

      Varadhan, Gokul; Krishnan, Shankar; Kim, Young J.; Diggavi, Suhas; Manocha, Dinesh (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We present techniques to efficiently compute the distance under max-norm between a point and a wide class of geometric primitives. We formulate the distance computation as an optimization problem and use this framework to ...
    • Statistical Point Geometry 

      Kalaiah, Aravind; Varshney, Amitabh (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We propose a scheme for modeling point sample geometry with statistical analysis. In our scheme we depart from the current schemes that deterministically represent the attributes of each point sample. We show how the ...
    • Simple Silhouettes for Complex Surfaces 

      Kirsanov, D.; Sander, P. V.; Gortler, S. J. (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Complex meshes tend to have intricate, detailed silhouettes. This paper proposes two algorithms for extracting a simpler, approximate silhouette from a high-resolution model. Our methods preserve the important features of ...
    • CLODs: Dual Hierarchies for Multiresolution Collision Detection 

      Otaduy, Miguel A.; Lin, Ming C. (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We present "contact levels of detail" (CLOD), a novel concept for multiresolution collision detection. Given a polyhedral model, our algorithm automatically builds a "dual hierarchy", both a multiresolution representation ...
    • A scalable data structure for three-dimensional non-manifold objects 

      Floriani, Leila De; Hui, Annie (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      In this paper, we address the problem of representing and manipulating non-manifold, mixed-dimensional objects described by three-dimensional simplicial complexes embedded in the 3D Euclidean space. We describe the design ...
    • Edge-Sharpener: Recovering sharp features in triangulations of non-adaptively re-meshed surfaces 

      Attene, Marco; Falcidieno, Bianca; Rossignac, Jarek; Spagnuolo, Michela (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      3D scanners, iso-surface extraction procedures, and several recent geometric compression schemes sample surfaces of 3D shapes in a regular fashion, without any attempt to align the samples with the sharp edges and corners ...
    • A concise b-rep data structure for stratified subanalytic objects 

      Gomes, Abel J.P. (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Current geometric kernels suffer from poor abstraction and design of their data structures. In part, this is due to the lack of a general mathematical framework for geometric modelling and processing. As a result, there ...
    • Geometry Compression of Normal Meshes Using Rate-Distortion Algorithms 

      Lavu, Sridhar; Choi, Hyeokho; Baraniuk, Richard (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We propose a new rate-distortion based algorithm for compressing 3D surface geometry represented using triangular normal meshes. We apply the Estimation-Quantization (EQ) algorithm to compress normal mesh wavelet coefficients. ...
    • High-Pass Quantization for Mesh Encoding 

      Sorkine, Olga; Cohen-Or, Daniel; Toledo, Sivan (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Any quantization introduces errors. An important question is how to suppress their visual effect. In this paper we present a new quantization method for the geometry of 3D meshes, which enables aggressive quantization ...
    • Domain Decomposition for Multiresolution Analysis 

      Boier-Martin, Ioana M. (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      This paper describes a method for converting an arbitrary mesh with irregular connectivity to a semi-regular multiresolution representation. A shape image encoding geometric and differential properties of the input model ...
    • Explicit Surface Remeshing 

      Surazhsky, Vitaly; Gotsman, Craig (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We present a new remeshing scheme based on the idea of improving mesh quality by a series of local modifications of the mesh geometry and connectivity. Our contribution to the family of local modification techniques is an ...
    • Provably Good Surface Sampling and Approximation 

      Boissonnat, J-D.; Oudot, S. (The Eurographics Association, 2003)
      We present an algorithm for meshing surfaces that is a simple adaptation of a greedy "farthest point" technique proposed by Chew. Given a surface S, it progressively adds points on S and updates the 3-dimensional Delaunay ...
    • Size Functions for 3D Shape Retrieval 

      Biasotti, S.; Giorgi, D.; Spagnuolo, M.; Falcidieno, B. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      This paper sketches a technique for 3D model retrieval built on size functions, a mathematical tool to compare shapes. Size functions are introduced for the first time to discriminate among 3D objects, through the proposal ...
    • Nonobtuse Remeshing and Mesh Decimation 

      Li, J. Y. S.; Zhang, H. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      Quality meshing in 2D and 3D domains is an important problem in geometric modeling and scientific computing. We are concerned with triangle meshes having only nonobtuse angles. Specifically, we propose a solution for ...
    • Robust Principal Curvatures on Multiple Scales 

      Yang, Yong-Liang; Lai, Yu-Kun; Hu, Shi-Min; Pottmann, Helmut (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      Geometry processing algorithms often require the robust extraction of curvature information. We propose to achieve this with principal component analysis (PCA) of local neighborhoods, defined via spherical kernels centered ...
    • A Quadratic Bending Model for Inextensible Surfaces 

      Bergou, Miklos; Wardetzky, Max; Harmon, David; Zorin, Denis; Grinspun, Eitan (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      Relating the intrinsic Laplacian to the mean curvature normal, we arrive at a model for bending of inextensible surfaces. Due to its constant Hessian, our isometric bending model reduces cloth simulation times up to three-fold.
    • Overfitting Control for Surface Reconstruction 

      Lee, Yunjin; Lee, Seungyong; Ivrissimtzis, Ioannis; Seidel, Hans-Peter (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      This paper proposes a general framework for overfitting control in surface reconstruction from noisy point data. The problem we deal with is how to create a model that will capture as much detail as possible and simultaneously ...
    • Reliable Implicit Surface Polygonization using Visibility Mapping 

      Varadhan, Gokul; Krishnan, Shankar; Zhang, Liangjun; Manocha, Dinesh (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      We present a new algorithm to compute a topologically and geometrically accurate triangulation of an implicit surface. Our approach uses spatial subdivision techniques to decompose a manifold implicit surface into star-shaped ...
    • Designing Quadrangulations with Discrete Harmonic Forms 

      Tong, Y.; Alliez, P.; Cohen-Steiner, D.; Desbrun, M. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      We introduce a framework for quadrangle meshing of discrete manifolds. Based on discrete differential forms, our method hinges on extending the discrete Laplacian operator (used extensively in modeling and animation) to ...
    • Rectangular Multi-Chart Geometry Images 

      Carr, Nathan A.; Hoberock, Jared; Crane, Keenan; Hart, John C. (The Eurographics Association, 2006)
      Many mesh parameterization algorithms have focused on minimizing distortion and utilizing texture area, but few have addressed issues related to processing a signal on the mesh surface.We present an algorithm which partitions ...