Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Perceptual Quality Assessment of NeRF and Neural View Synthesis Methods for Front-Facing Views 

      Liang, Hanxue; Wu, Tianhao; Hanji, Param; Banterle, Francesco; Gao, Hongyun; Mantiuk, Rafal; Öztireli, Cengiz (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
      Neural view synthesis (NVS) is one of the most successful techniques for synthesizing free viewpoint videos, capable of achieving high fidelity from only a sparse set of captured images. This success has led to many variants ...
    • ShellNeRF: Learning a Controllable High-resolution Model of the Eye and Periocular Region 

      Li, Gengyan; Sarkar, Kripasindhu; Meka, Abhimitra; Buehler, Marcel; Mueller, Franziska; Gotardo, Paulo; Hilliges, Otmar; Beeler, Thabo (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
      Eye gaze and expressions are crucial non-verbal signals in face-to-face communication. Visual effects and telepresence demand significant improvements in personalized tracking, animation, and synthesis of the eye region ...
    • TRIPS: Trilinear Point Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering 

      Franke, Linus; Rückert, Darius; Fink, Laura; Stamminger, Marc (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2024)
      Point-based radiance field rendering has demonstrated impressive results for novel view synthesis, offering a compelling blend of rendering quality and computational efficiency. However, also latest approaches in this ...