Recent Submissions

  • Time-constrained High-fidelity Rendering on Local Desktop Grids 

    Aggarwal, Vibhor; Debattista, Kurt; Dubla, Piotr; Bashford-Rogers, Thomas; Chalmers, Alan (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
    Parallel computing has been frequently used for reducing the rendering time of high-fidelity images, since the generation of such images has a high computational cost. Numerous algorithms have been proposed for parallel ...
  • Parallel Solution to the Radiative Transport 

    Szirmay-Kalos, Laszló; Liktor, Gabor; Umenhoffer, Tamas; Tóth, Balazs; Kumar, Shree; Lupton, Glenn (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
    This paper presents a fast parallel method to compute the solution of the radiative transport equation in inhomogeneous participating media. The efficiency of the method comes from different factors. First, we use a novel ...
  • Distributed Visualization of Complex Black Oil Reservoir Models 

    Abraham, Frederico; Celes, Waldemar (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
    Recent accomplishments in the computer simulation of black oil reservoirs have created a demand for the visualization of very large models. In this paper, we present a distributed system for the rendering of such models. ...
  • Hybrid Parallelization for Multi-View Visualization of Time-Dependent Simulation Data 

    Hentschel, Bernd; Wolter, Marc; Renze, Peter; Schröder, Wolfgang; Bischof, Christian; Kuhlen, Torsten (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
    Interactive analysis using multiple linked views has been successfully applied to time-dependent simulation data. In this paper we extend previous work by embedding multiple views in a virtual environment. Here, we combine ...
  • Data-Parallel Hierarchical Link Creation for Radiosity 

    Meyer, Quirin; Eisenacher, Christian; Stamminger, Marc; Dachsbacher, Carsten (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
    The efficient simulation of mutual light exchange for radiosity-like methods has been demonstrated on GPUs. However, those approaches require a suitable set of links and hierarchical data structures, prepared in an expensive ...
  • A Decomposition Approach for Optimizing Large-Scale Parallel Image Composition on Multi-Core MPP Systems 

    Nonaka, Jorji; Ono, Kenji (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
    In recent years, multi-core processor architecture has emerged as the predominant hardware architecture for high performance computing (HPC) systems. In addition, computational nodes based on SMP (symmetric multiprocessing) ...
  • Fast Parallel Unbiased Diffeomorphic Atlas Construction on Multi-Graphics Processing Units 

    Ha, Linh K.; Krüger, Jens; Fletcher, P. Thomas; Joshi, Sarang; Silva, Claudio T. (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
    Unbiased diffeomorphic atlas construction has proven to be a powerful technique for medical image analysis, particularly in brain imaging. The method operates on a large set of images, mapping them all into a common ...
  • A Flexible Adaptation Service for Distributed Rendering 

    Repplinger, Michael; Löffler, Alexander; Thielen, Martin; Slusallek, Philipp (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
    Even though high-performance real-time rendering showed significant improvements through implementing its algorithms on top of many-core technologies, achieving interactivity in large scenes still requires a networked ...
  • Wait-Free Shared-Memory Irradiance Cache 

    Dubla, Piotr; Debattista, Kurt; Santos, Luis Paulo; Chalmers, Alan (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
    The irradiance cache (IC) is an acceleration data structure which caches indirect diffuse irradiance values within the context of a ray tracing algorithm. In multi-threaded shared memory parallel systems the IC must be ...
  • Parallel Mesh Clustering 

    Chiosa, Iurie; Kolb, Andreas; Cuntz, Nicolas; Lindner, Marvin (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
    Fast and qualitative clustering of large polygonal surface meshes still remains one of the most demanding fields in mesh processing. Because existing clustering algorithms are very time-consuming, the use of parallel ...
  • Parallelized Matrix Factorization for fast BTF Compression 

    Ruiters, Roland; Rump, Martin; Klein, Reinhard (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
    Dimensionality reduction methods like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) have become commonplace for the compression of large datasets in computer graphics. One important application is the compression of Bidirectional ...
  • Simulation of Radio Wave Propagation by Beam Tracing 

    Schmitz, Arne; Rick, Tobias; Karolski, Thomas; Kuhlen, Thorsten; Kobbelt, Leif (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
    Beam tracing can be used for solving global illumination problems. It is an efficient algorithm, and performs very well when implemented on the GPU. This allows us to apply the algorithm in a novel way to the problem of ...
  • Dynamic Grid Refinement for Fluid Simulations on Parallel Graphics Architectures 

    Ament, Marco; Straßer, Wolfgang (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
    We present a physically-based fluid simulation with dynamic grid refinement on parallel SIMD graphics hardware. The irregular and dynamic structure of an adaptive grid requires sophisticated memory access patterns as well ...
  • Interactive Physical Simulation on Multicore Architectures 

    Hermann, Everton; Raffin, Bruno; Faure, Francois (The Eurographics Association, 2009)
    In this paper we propose a parallelization of interactive physical simulations. Our approach relies on a task parallelism where the code is instrumented to mark tasks and shared data between tasks, as well as parallel loops ...