Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • An Eigenanalysis of Angle-Based Deformation Energies 

      Wu, Haomiao; Kim, Theodore (ACM Association for Computing Machinery, 2023)
      Angle-based energies appear in numerous physics-based simulation models, including thin-shell bending and isotropic elastic strands. We present a generic analysis of these energies that allows us to analytically filter the ...
    • Lifted Curls: A Model for Tightly Coiled Hair Simulation 

      Shi, Alvin; Wu, Haomiao; Parr, Jarred; Darke, A.M.; Kim, Theodore (ACM Association for Computing Machinery, 2023)
      We present an isotropic, hyperelastic model specifically designed for the efficient simulation of tightly coiled hairs whose curl radii approach 5 mm. Our model is robust to large bends and torsions, even when they appear ...