Barcelona (Spain) | 5 - 6 October 2023

Applications in VR/XR
Collaborative VR: Solving Riddles in the Concept of Escape Rooms
Afxentis Ioannou, Marilena Lemonari, Fotis Liarokapis, and Andreas Aristidou
Organ Donation Training using VR: ODT-VR
Pau Vallespí Monclús, Brian Álvarez, Eva Monclús, and Marta Fairén
AnywhereXR - Laying the Foundation for Open Source Embodied Digital Twin Applications
Alexander Klippel, Bart Knuiman, Jiayan Zhao, Jan Oliver Wallgrün, and Sebastian Garzon
Application in Helping and Improving User Experience
A Real-time Voice Interface for Intelligent Wheelchairs
Spyridon Moschopoulos, Ioannis Fudos, Kyriakos Koritsoglou, Giorgos Tatsis, and Dimitrios Tzovaras
Recognizing User Behavior from Interactions for Adaptive Consumer Information Systems
Stefan Lengauer, Michael A. Bedek, Cordula Kupfer, Lin Shao, Dietrich Albert, and Tobias Schreck
Investigating Crowdsourced Help Facilities for Enhancing User Guidance
Sooraj K. Babu, Tobias Brandner, Samuel Truman, and Sebastian von Mammen
Adapting Haptic Feedback for Guided Meditation
Yoann Douillet, Romain Collaud, Emily Groves, Andreas Sonderegger, Cedric Duchêne, and Nicolas Henchoz
Applications in Learning and Gameplay
Unraveling the Tales of Aurora - An Imaginative Serious Games Approach
Jennifer Wagner, Simon Winter, and Wolfgang Höhl
Investigating Students' Motivation and Cultural Heritage Learning in a Gamified Versus Non-gamified VR Environment
Markos Souropetsis, Eleni A. Kyza, Louis Nisiotis, Yiannis Georgiou, and Varnavia Giorgalla
Programmatic Design and Architecture of an Immersive Laser Laboratory
Andreas Müller, Stefan Müller, Tobias Brixner, and Sebastian von Mammen
Balancing Gameplay Elements and Interactive Digital Storytelling in Virtual Reality applications of War Heritage
Selma Rizvic, Dusanka Boskovic, and Bojan Mijatovic
Novel Technologies for Digital Avatars and Animation
Towards Continual Reinforcement Learning for Quadruped Robots
Giovanni Minelli and Vassilis Vassiliades
RESenv: A Realistic Earthquake Simulation Environment based on Unreal Engine
Yitong Sun, Hanchun Wang, Zhejun Zhang, Cyriel Diels, and Ali Asadipour
Collision Free Simplification for 2D Multi-Layered Shapes
Xianjin Gong, Amal Dev Parakkat, and Damien Rohmer
Applications in Digital Storytelling and Experience
FictionalWorlds, Real Connections: Developing Community Storytelling Social Chatbots through LLMs
Yuqian Sun, Hanyi Wang, Pok Man Chan, Morteza Tabibi, Yan Zhang, Huan Lu, Yuheng Chen, Chang Hee Lee, and Ali Asadipour
ReInHerit a Museum: Enhancing Museum Experience and Broadening Audience Participation Through an Immersive Performance using Media-Art, and Augmented Reality
Stefanos Papadas, Andreas Papapetrou, Fotos Frangoudes, Alexis Polydorou, Christodoula Gavriel, Niki Kyriakou, and Kleanthis Neokleous
Integrating Julia Code into the Unity Game Engine to Dive into Aquatic Plant Growth
Anne Lewerentz, Nico Manke, David Schantz, Juliano Sarmento Cabral, and Sebastian von Mammen
Exploring the Impact of Synthetic Data Generation on Texture-based Image Classification Tasks
Borislav Yordanov, Carlo Harvey, Ian Williams, Craig Ashley, and Paul Fairbrass

Recent Submissions

  • Exploring the Impact of Synthetic Data Generation on Texture-based Image Classification Tasks 

    Yordanov, Borislav; Harvey, Carlo; Williams, Ian; Ashley, Craig; Fairbrass, Paul (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    In this study, we introduce a novel pipeline for synthetic data generation of textured surfaces, motivated by the limitations of conventional methods such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Computer-Aided Design ...
  • ReInHerit a Museum: Enhancing Museum Experience and Broadening Audience Participation Through an Immersive Performance using Media-Art, and Augmented Reality 

    Papadas, Stefanos; Papapetrou, Andreas; Frangoudes, Fotos; Polydorou, Alexis; Gavriel, Christodoula; Kyriakou, Niki; Neokleous, Kleanthis (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This paper delves into the immersive performance, ''ReInHerit a Museum'' held at the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation. Through exploration and analysis of the conceptual framework and the audience's interaction with an ...
  • Integrating Julia Code into the Unity Game Engine to Dive into Aquatic Plant Growth 

    Lewerentz, Anne; Manke, Nico; Schantz, David; Sarmento Cabral, Juliano; Mammen, Sebastian von (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Ecologists use process-based ecological models to predict biodiversity, but their complex results can be challenging to com- municate. This challenge can be addressed through interactive visual simulations, which are easy ...
  • FictionalWorlds, Real Connections: Developing Community Storytelling Social Chatbots through LLMs 

    Sun, Yuqian; Wang, Hanyi; Chan, Pok Man; Tabibi, Morteza; Zhang, Yan; Lu, Huan; Chen, Yuheng; Lee, Chang Hee; Asadipour, Ali (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We address the integration of storytelling and Large Language Models (LLMs) to develop engaging and believable Social Chatbots (SCs) in community settings. Motivated by the potential of fictional characters to enhance ...
  • Collision Free Simplification for 2D Multi-Layered Shapes 

    Gong, Xianjin; Parakkat, Amal Dev; Rohmer, Damien (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We propose a simplification-aware untangling algorithm for 2D layered shapes stacked on each other. While the shape undergoes simplification, our approach adjusts the vertex positions to prevent collision with other layers ...
  • RESenv: A Realistic Earthquake Simulation Environment based on Unreal Engine 

    Sun, Yitong; Wang, Hanchun; Zhang, Zhejun; Diels, Cyriel; Asadipour, Ali (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Earthquakes have a significant impact on societies and economies, driving the need for effective search and rescue strategies. With the growing role of AI and robotics in these operations, high-quality synthetic visual ...
  • Programmatic Design and Architecture of an Immersive Laser Laboratory 

    Müller, Andreas; Müller, Stefan; Brixner, Tobias; Mammen, Sebastian von (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    femtoPro provides an immersive laser laboratory experience for training, experimentation and analysis. In this paper, we present its programmatic design and architecture driven by requirements such as: accurate (non-)linear ...
  • Investigating Students' Motivation and Cultural Heritage Learning in a Gamified Versus Non-gamified VR Environment 

    Souropetsis, Markos; Kyza, Eleni A.; Nisiotis, Louis; Georgiou, Yiannis; Giorgalla, Varnavia (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This empirical study investigated how the use of a gamified versus a non-gamified Virtual Reality (VR) learning environment impacted student motivation and learning outcomes in the context of a virtual visit at a cultural ...
  • Adapting Haptic Feedback for Guided Meditation 

    Douillet, Yoann; Collaud, Romain; Groves, Emily; Sonderegger, Andreas; Duchêne, Cedric; Henchoz, Nicolas (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Technology supporting meditation is a multimillion-dollar market that continues to grow. There is also strong academic interest to understand and improve the impact technology can have for the user experience of practitioners. ...
  • Unraveling the Tales of Aurora - An Imaginative Serious Games Approach 

    Wagner, Jennifer; Winter, Simon; Höhl, Wolfgang (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This demo paper develops a game concept titled "Tales of Aurora". This serious strategy game introduces the concept of chemical elements and compounds, biological processes and comprehensive life-cycle dependencies to a ...
  • A Real-time Voice Interface for Intelligent Wheelchairs 

    Moschopoulos, Spyridon; Fudos, Ioannis; Koritsoglou, Kyriakos; Tatsis, Giorgos; Tzovaras, Dimitrios (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This paper reports on the development of a real-time voice interface for navigation purposes of electric wheelchairs. To this end, we employ a convolutional neural network trained and fine-tuned using a small dataset that ...
  • Investigating Crowdsourced Help Facilities for Enhancing User Guidance 

    Babu, Sooraj K.; Brandner, Tobias; Truman, Samuel; Mammen, Sebastian von (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We present two help facilities aimed at addressing the challenges faced by users new to a software. Software documentation should ideally familiarise with the overall functionality, navigate through the concrete workflows, ...
  • Recognizing User Behavior from Interactions for Adaptive Consumer Information Systems 

    Lengauer, Stefan; Bedek, Michael A.; Kupfer, Cordula; Shao, Lin; Albert, Dietrich; Schreck, Tobias (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Consumer Information Systems, which experience widespread application, benefit substantially from adapting the conveyed information to specific user needs, by addressing various impairments such as color blindness, deficient ...
  • AnywhereXR - Laying the Foundation for Open Source Embodied Digital Twin Applications 

    Klippel, Alexander; Knuiman, Bart; Zhao, Jiayan; Wallgrün, Jan Oliver; Garzon, Sebastian (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Despite recent developments in immersive technologies and data processing through AI, there are still substantial limitations in creating widespread opportunities for embodied digital twins for communication and visualization ...
  • Organ Donation Training using VR: ODT-VR 

    Vallespí Monclús, Pau; Álvarez, Brian; Monclús, Eva; Fairén, Marta (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Organ transplantation has become very important for treating organ diseases and new technologies have been developed to increase the donor pool. Virtual Reality (VR) has been proven to be a valuable tool for training in ...
  • Collaborative VR: Solving Riddles in the Concept of Escape Rooms 

    Ioannou, Afxentis; Lemonari, Marilena; Liarokapis, Fotis; Aristidou, Andreas (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    The recent state of VR technology enables users to have quick and easy access to multiple VR functionalities, prompting researchers to explore various aspects of user experiences in virtual environments. In this work, we ...