Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Comparing Reyes and OpenGL on a Stream Architecture 

      Owens, John D.; Khailany, Brucek; Towles, Brian; Dally, William J. (The Eurographics Association, 2002)
      The OpenGL and Reyes rendering pipelines each render complex scenes from similar scene descriptions but differ in their internal pipeline organizations. While the OpenGL organization has dominated hardware architectures ...
    • Efficient Partitioning of Fragment Shaders for Multipass Rendering on Programmable Graphics Hardware 

      Chan, Eric; Ng, Ren; Sen, Pradeep; Proudfoot, Kekoa; Hanrahan, Pat (The Eurographics Association, 2002)
      Real-time programmable graphics hardware has resource constraints that prevent complex shaders from rendering in a single pass. One way to virtualize these resources is to partition shading computations into multiple passes, ...
    • High-Quality Unstructured Volume Rendering on the PC Platform 

      Guthe, Stefan; Roettger, Stefan; Schieber, Andreas; Strasser, Wolfgang; Ertl, Thomas (The Eurographics Association, 2002)
      For the visualization of volume data the application of transfer functions is used widely. In this area the preintegration technique allows high quality visualizations and the application of arbitrary transfer functions. ...
    • Interactive Rendering of Atmospheric Scattering Effects Using Graphics Hardware 

      Dobashi, Yoshinori; Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi; Nishita, Tomoyuki (The Eurographics Association, 2002)
      To create realistic images using computer graphics, an important element to consider is atmospheric scattering, that is, the phenomenon by which light is scattered by small particles in the air. This effect is the cause ...
    • SaarCOR - A Hardware Architecture for Ray Tracing 

      Schmittler, Jörg; Wald, Ingo; Slusallek, Philipp (The Eurographics Association, 2002)
      The ray tracing algorithm is well-known for its ability to generate high-quality images and its flexibility to support advanced rendering and lighting effects. Interactive ray tracing has been shown to work well on clusters ...
    • VIZARD II: A Reconfigurable Interactive Volume Rendering System 

      Meißner, M.; Kanus, U.; Wetekam, G.; Hirche, J.; Ehlert, A.; Straßer, W.; Doggett, M.; Forthmann, P.; Proksa, R. (The Eurographics Association, 2002)
      This paper presents a reconfigurable, hardware accelerated, volume rendering system for high quality perspective ray casting. The volume rendering accelerator performs ray casting by calculating the path of the ray through ...