Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    • A Hardware Processing Unit for Point Sets 

      Heinzle, Simon; Guennebaud, Gaël; Botsch, Mario; Gross, Markus (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      We present a hardware architecture and processing unit for point sampled data. Our design is focused on fundamental and computationally expensive operations on point sets including k-nearest neighbors search, moving least ...
    • DHTC: An Effective DXTC-based HDR Texture Compression Scheme 

      Sun, Wen; Lu, Yan; Wu, Feng; Li, Shipeng (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective scheme (named DHTC) for HDR (high dynamic range) texture compression based on the popular LDR (low dynamic range) texture compression scheme - S3TC/DXTC. In the proposed ...
    • All-Pairs Shortest-Paths for Large Graphs on the GPU 

      Katz, Gary J.; Jr., Joseph T. Kider (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      The all-pairs shortest-path problem is an intricate part in numerous practical applications. We describe a shared memory cache efficient GPU implementation to solve transitive closure and the all-pairs shortest-path problem ...
    • Tracy: A Debugger and System Analyzer for Cross-Platform Graphics Development 

      Kyöstilä, Sami; Kangas, Kari J.; Pulli, Kari (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      We describe Tracy, an offline graphics debugging and system analysis toolkit for cross-platform system and application development in mobile graphics. Tracy operates by recording graphics function calls and argument data ...
    • Total Recall: A Debugging Framework for GPUs 

      Sharif, Ahmad; Lee, Hsien-Hsin S. (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      GPUs have transformed from simple fixed-function processors to powerful, programmable stream processors and are continuing to evolve. Programming these massively parallel GPUs, however, is very different from programming ...
    • Coherent Layer Peeling for Transparent High-Depth-Complexity Scenes 

      Carr, Nathan; Mech, Radomir; Miller, Gavin (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      We present two new image space techniques for efficient rendering of transparent surfaces that exploit partial ordering in the scene geometry. The first technique, called hybrid layer peeling, combines unordered meshes ...
    • Non-Uniform Fractional Tessellation 

      Munkberg, Jacob; Hasselgren, Jon; Akenine-Möller, Tomas (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      We present a technique that modifies the tessellator in current graphics hardware so that the result is a more uniformly distributed tessellation in screen space. For increased flexibility, vertex tessellation weights are ...
    • On Dynamic Load Balancing on Graphics Processors 

      Cederman, Daniel; Tsigas, Philippas (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      To get maximum performance on the many-core graphics processors it is important to have an even balance of the workload so that all processing units contribute equally to the task at hand. This can be hard to achieve when ...
    • An Improved Shading Cache for Modern GPUs 

      Sitthi-amorn, Pitchaya; Lawrence, Jason; Yang, Lei; Sander, Pedro V.; Nehab, Diego (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      Several recently proposed techniques based on the principle of data reprojection allow reusing shading information generated in one frame to accelerate the calculation of the shading in the following frame. This strategy ...
    • Floating-Point Buffer Compression in a Unified Codec Architecture 

      Ström, Jacob; Wennersten, Per; Rasmusson, Jim; Hasselgren, Jon; Munkberg, Jacob; Clarberg, Petrik; Akenine-Möller, Tomas (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      This paper presents what we believe are the first (public) algorithms for floating-point (fp) color and fp depth buffer compression. The depth codec is also available in an integer version. The codecs are harmonized, meaning ...
    • GPU Accelerated Pathfinding 

      Bleiweiss, Avi (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      In the past few years the graphics programmable processor (GPU) has evolved into an increasingly convincing computational resource for non graphics applications. The GPU is especially well suited to address problem sets ...