Now showing items 61-80 of 138

    • Data-Driven Object Manipulation in Images 

      Goldberg, Chen; Chen, Tao; Zhang, Fang-Lue; Shamir, Ariel; Hu, Shi-Min (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2012)
      We present a framework for interactively manipulating objects in a photograph using related objects obtained from internet images. Given an image, the user selects an object to modify, and provides keywords to describe it. ...
    • Creating Picture Legends for Group Photos 

      Gao, Junhong; Kim, Seon Joo; Brown, Michael S. (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2012)
      Group photos are one of the most common types of digital images found in personal image collections and on social networks. One typical post-processing task for group photos is to produce a key or legend to identify the ...
    • Coherent Spatiotemporal Filtering, Upsampling and Rendering of RGBZ Videos 

      Richardt, Christian; Stoll, Carsten; Dodgson, Neil A.; Seidel, Hans-Peter; Theobalt, Christian (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2012)
      Sophisticated video processing effects require both image and geometry information. We explore the possibility to augment a video camera with a recent infrared time-of-flight depth camera, to capture high-resolution RGB ...
    • Iterative Image Warping 

      Bowles, Huw; Mitchell, Kenny; Sumner, Robert W.; Moore, Jeremy; Gross, Markus (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2012)
      Animated image sequences often exhibit a large amount of inter-frame coherence which standard rendering algorithms and pipelines are ill-equipped to exploit, limiting their efficiency. To address this inefficiency we ...
    • Robust Image Retargeting via Axis-Aligned Deformation 

      Panozzo, Daniele; Weber, Ofir; Sorkine, Olga (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2012)
      We propose the space of axis-aligned deformations as the meaningful space for content-aware image retargeting. Such deformations exclude local rotations, avoiding harmful visual distortions, and they are parameterized in ...
    • How Not to Be Seen -- Object Removal from Videos of Crowded Scenes 

      Granados, Miguel; Tompkin, James; Kim, Kwang In; Grau, Oliver; Kautz, Jan; Theobalt, Christian (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2012)
      Removing dynamic objects from videos is an extremely challenging problem that even visual effects professionals often solve with time-consuming manual frame-by-frame editing. We propose a new approach to video completion ...
    • Preface and Table of Contents 

      P. Cignoni and T. Ertl (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2012)
    • Recent Advances in Real-Time Collision and Proximity Computations for Games and Simulations 

      Frye, Stephen; Harada, Takahiro; Kim, Young J.; Yoon, Sung-eui (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      This course is intended for instructing students and practitioners on recent developments related to collision and proximity computations for interactive games and simulations. There have been significant advances in various ...
    • A Practical Guide to Polygon Mesh Repairing 

      Campen, Marcel; Attene, Marco; Kobbelt, Leif (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      Digital 3D models are key components in many industrial and scientific sectors. In numerous domains polygonmeshes have become a de facto standard for model representation. In practice meshes often have a number ofdefects ...
    • Dynamic Geometry Processing 

      Chang, Will; Li, Hao; Mitra, Niloy; Pauly, Mark; Wand, Michael (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      Throughout the last few years, acquisition and processing of dynamic geometry has already received quite an amount of attention in the computer vision and graphics research community. Recently, the topic has gained a ...
    • Diffusion Geometry in Shape Analysis 

      Bronstein, Michael; Castellani, Umberto; Bronstein, Alex (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      Over the last decade, the intersections between 3D shape analysis and image processing have become a topic of increasing interest in the computer graphics community. Nevertheless, when attempting to apply current image ...
    • Mapping Images to Target Devices: Spatial, Temporal, Stereo, Tone, and Color 

      Banterle, Francesco; Artusi, Alessandro; Aydin, Tunc O.; Didyk, Piotr; Eisemann, Elmar; Gutierrez, Diego; Mantiuk, Rafael; Myszkowski, Karol; Ritschel, Tobias (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      Retargeting is a process through which an image or a video is adapted from the display device for which it was meant (target display) to another one (retarget display). The retarget display can have different features from ...
    • A Facial Rigging Survey 

      Orvalho, Verónica; Bastos, Pedro; Parke, Frederic; Oliveira, Bruno; Alvarez, Xenxo (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      Rigging is the process of setting up a group of controls to operate a 3D model, analogous to the strings of a puppet. It plays a fundamental role in the animation process as it eases the manipulation and editing of ...
    • Quad Meshing 

      Bommes, David; Lévy, Bruno; Pietroni, Nico; Puppo, Enrico; Silva, Claudio; Tarini, Marco; Zorin, Denis (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      Triangle meshes have been nearly ubiquitous in computer graphics, and a large body of data structures and geometry processing algorithms based on them has been developed in the literature. At the same time, quadrilateral ...
    • Perceptual Metrics for Static and Dynamic Triangle Meshes 

      Corsini, Massimiliano; Larabi, Chaker; Lavoué, Guillaume; Petrík, Oldrich; Vása, Libor; Wang, Kai (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      Almost all mesh processing procedures cause some more or less visible changes in the appearance of objects represented by polygonal meshes. In many cases, such as mesh watermarking, simplification or lossy compression, the ...
    • Interactive Simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics in Computer Graphics 

      Bender, Jan; Erleben, Kenny; Trinkle, Jeff; Coumans, Erwin (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      Interactive rigid body simulation is an important part of many modern computer tools. No authoring tool nor a game engine can do without. The high performance computer tools open up new possibilities for changing how ...
    • Symmetry in 3D Geometry: Extraction and Applications 

      Mitra, Niloy J.; Pauly, Mark; Wand, Michael; Ceylan, Duygu (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      The concept of symmetry has received significant attention in computer graphics and computer vision research in recent years. Numerous methods have been proposed to find and extract geometric symmetries and exploit such ...
    • Illustrative Flow Visualization: State of the Art, Trends and Challenges 

      Brambilla, Andrea; Carnecky, Robert; Peikert, Ronald; Viola, Ivan; Hauser, Helwig (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      Flow visualization is a well established branch of scientific visualization and it currently represents an invaluable resource to many fields, like automotive design, meteorology and medical imaging. Thanks to the capabilities ...
    • Interactive Volume Rendering with Volumetric Illumination 

      Jönsson, Daniel; Sundén, Erik; Ynnerman, Anders; Ropinski, Timo (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      Interactive volume rendering in its standard formulation has become an increasingly important tool in many application domains. In recent years several advanced volumetric illumination techniques to be used in interactive ...
    • A Survey of Urban Reconstruction 

      Musialski, Przemyslaw; Wonka, Peter; Aliaga, Daniel G.; Wimmer, Michael; Gool, Luc van; Purgathofer, Werner (The Eurographics Association, 2012)
      This paper provides a comprehensive overview of urban reconstruction. While there exists a considerable body of literature, this topic is still under very active research. The work reviewed in this survey stems from the ...