Now showing items 41-60 of 114

    • MICRO-UIDT: A User Interface Development Tool 

      Mao, Qijing (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      A user interlace development tool called Micro-UIDT is described. Micro-UIDT provides an interactive design environment fur the user interface designers. The designing language for defining user interfaces are visual and ...
    • Pixel Selected Ray Tracing 

      Akimoto, Taka-aki; Mase, Kenji; Hashimoto, Akihiko; Suenaga, Yasuhito (Eurographics Association, 1989)
      This paper presents a new ray-tracing acceleration technique called Pixel Selected Ray-Tracing (PSRT). PSRT uses undersampling based on Iterative Central Point Selection(ICPS) along with checking for similarities among ...
    • Doctoral Theses in Computer Graphics 

      Kjelldahl, Lars (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
    • Book Reviews 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
      Book reviewed in this article:Title: Image Synthesis - Elementary Algorithms Author: Gerard Hegron Translation (by D. Beeson) of: Synthese d Image: Algorithmes ElementairesCurves and Surfaces in Computer Aided Geometric ...
    • 2-D Macroscopic Texture Synthesis 

      Bennis, Chakib; Gagalowicz, Andre (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
      We present a new macroscopic texture synthesis method based upon a hierarchical macroscopic texture model. Our model allows the composition of various patterns which can be themselves distorted spatially. Such a method is ...
    • A Method for the Representation, Evaluation and Display of CSG Models in PHIGS and PHIGS+ 

      Patel, Manjula (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
      The Programmer s Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) is about to become a standard graphics system? which caters for the definition, display and modification of two and three-dimensional graphical data.PHIGS, ...
    • Anti-aliased Ray Tracing with Covers 

      Thomas, D.; Netravali, Arun N.; Fox, D.S. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
      A fast and effective object space method for antialiasing ray-traced pictures is introduced. Traditionally, anti-aliasing has been done using super-sampling. However, this is costly since it requires casting large numbers ...
    • Faster Phong Shading via Angular Interpolation 

      Kuijk, AAM.; Blake, E.H. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
      One of the most successful algorithms that brought realism to the world of 3D image generation is Phong shading. It is an algorithm for smooth shading meshes of planar polygons used to represent curved surfaces. The level ...
    • Motion Control in Animation, Simulation and Visualization* 

      Hegror, Gerard; Palamidese, Patrizia; Thalmann, Daniel (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
      This paper discusses the role and the evolution of animation, simulation and scientific visualization and their relationships. Two trends are described: (1) the physical laws are well-known and their use improves the ...
    • On The Projective Invariant Representation of Conies in Computer Graphics 

      Herman, Ivan (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
      A general formulation for conies and conic arcs for the purpose of computer graphics is given, based on principles and theorems of projective geometry. This approach allows the approximation of these curves by line segments ...

      Arnold, David; de Ruiter, Behr (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
    • Yet another Remark on the Modelling Clip Problem 

      Zachrisen, Morten (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
    • Response to Morten Zachrisen s Note 

      Herman, Ivan (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
    • Notes on the Mathematics of the PHIGS Viewing Pipeline 

      Krammer, Gergely (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
      It is well known that homogeneous linear matrix transformations of the projective space may be efficiently used for the representation and the execution of common geometrical transformations but the general class of such ...
    • Towards an Object-Oriented Interaction Model for Graphics User Interfaces 

      Hubner, Wolfgang; de Lancastre, Manuel (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
      The increasing importance of the User Interface Management System THESEUS stimulated the development of a formalized graphics input model that is based on the THESEUS input concepts. This paper presents cooperative work ...
    • A Parallel HW/SW Environment for Image Synthesis 

      Paoluzzi, A.; Rosina, M.; Scopigno, R. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
      AbstractIn designing graphical workstations for high-level performance presentations of graphical models, the main goal nowadays is to perform some effective real-time traversal and rendering of data. In this paper we ...
    • Hidden Octree Node Removal as a Pipeline Process 

      Heal, B.W. (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
      A processing pipeline solution to the generation and display of octree encoded 3-D objects is described. Particular emphasis is given to an algorithm which removes that part a of linear octree code which describes parts ...
    • Polygon Triangulation Algorithm as a Powerful Core Processor of PLAN-I 

      Chen, Xiangping; Ying, Daoning (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
      A concise, complete and reliable algorithm for triangulating an arbitrary polygon is presented as a powerful core processor of PLAN-I (Production Layout Automation Nucleus) system1. A polygon with inner loops is converted ...

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)
    • LEONARDO - New Member Benefit for Members of Eurographics 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Eurographics Association, 1989)