XXXII Spanish Computer Graphics Conference, Palma de Mallorca, Spain - July 3 - 6, 2023

Full Paper
A Biologically-Inspired Appearance Model for Snake Skin
Juan Raul Padron-Griffe, Diego Bielsa, Adrian Jarabo, and Adolfo Muñoz
Short Papers
An adaptative Shader for Human Visual Defects Simulation
Pere Fons, Jose Maria Buades, and Franisco Perales
Realidad Virtual Inmersiva para aprender la maniobra de intubación orotraqueal
Alicia Muñoz-López, Inmaculada Remolar, Juan Daniel Suarez, and Ignacio Miralles
Reconstruction of sampled surfaces with boundary via Morse theory
Franco Coltraro, Jaume Amorós, Maria Alberich-Carramiñana, and Carme Torras
Implementation and Evaluation of a Low Cost Virtual Environment for Nursery Training in Intensive Care Units
Francisco José Perales López, Patricia García-Pazo, Antoni Oliver, and Antoni Bibiloni

Recent Submissions

  • Reconstruction of sampled surfaces with boundary via Morse theory 

    Coltraro, Franco; Amorós, Jaume; Alberich-Carramiñana, Maria; Torras, Carme (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We study the perception problem for garments (e.g. a pair of pants) using tools from computational topology: the identification of their geometry and position from point-cloud samples, as obtained e.g. with 3D scanners. ...
  • Implementation and Evaluation of a Low Cost Virtual Environment for Nursery Training in Intensive Care Units 

    Perales López, Francisco José; García-Pazo, Patricia; Oliver, Antoni; Bibiloni, Antoni (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    The main objective of this work is to implement and evaluate a low cost virtual environment of an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for educational purposes, targeting third year Nursery students who have never visited an ICU ...
  • An adaptative Shader for Human Visual Defects Simulation 

    Fons, Pere; Buades, Jose Maria; Perales, Franisco (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    A novel programmable shader is proposed to accurately simulate the main important human visual defects under different situations in daily life. An improved model of eye model is introduced to reasonably predict the ...
  • A Biologically-Inspired Appearance Model for Snake Skin 

    Padron-Griffe, Juan Raul; Bielsa, Diego; Jarabo, Adrian; Muñoz, Adolfo (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Simulating the light transport on biological tissues is a longstanding challenge, given its complex multilayered structure. In biology, one of the most remarkable and studied examples of tissues are the scales that cover ...
  • CEIG 2023: Frontmatter 

    Gimeno Sancho, Jesús; Comino Trinidad, Marc (The Eurographics Association, 2023)