EuroVis 2023 - 25th EG Conference on Visualization
Leipzig, Germany, June 12 - 16, 2023

A Conversational Data Visualisation Platform for Hierarchical Multivariate Data
Ecem Kavaz, Anna Puig, Inmaculada Rodríguez, and Eduard Vives
A Dashboard for Interactive Convolutional Neural Network Training And Validation Through Saliency Maps
Tim Cech, Furkan Simsek, Willy Scheibel, and Jürgen Döllner
A Tour Through the Zoo of Scented Widgets
Vasile Ciorna, Nicolas Médoc, Guy Melançon, Frank Petry, and Mohammad Ghoniem
An Initial Visual Analysis of German City Dashboards
Christoph Huber, Till Nagel, and Heiner Stuckenschmidt
CitadelPolice: An Interactive Visualization Environment for Scenario Testing on Criminal Networks
Liza A. S. Roelofsen, Frederike Oetker, Miles van der Lely, Robert G. Belleman, and Rick Quax
CohExplore: Visually Supporting Students in Exploring Text Cohesion
Carina Liebers, Shivam Agarwal, and Fabian Beck
Comparative Visualization of Longitudinal 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurements in Pediatric Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Mahmut Özmen, Mohamed Yaseen Jabarulla, Carl Robert Grabitz, Anette Melk, Elke Wühl, and Steffen Oeltze-Jafra
Constructing Hierarchical Continuity in Hilbert & Moore Treemaps
Willy Scheibel and Jürgen Döllner
Explorative Study on Semantically Resonant Colors for Combinations of Categories with Application to Meteorological Data
Laura Pelchmann, Sebastian Bremm, Kerstin Ebell, and Tatiana von Landesberger
Interaction Tasks for Explainable Recommender Systems
Ibrahim Al-Hazwani, Turki Alahmadi, Kathrin Wardatzky, Oana Inel, Mennatallah El-Assady, and Jürgen Bernard
MILADY (Matrix+Linear Diagram): Visual Exploration and Edition of Multivariate Graphs for Computer Networks Management
Mathieu Guglielmino, Francesco Bronzino, Arnaud Sallaberry, and Sébastien Monnet
Multi-Criteria Optimization for Automatic Dashboard Design
Jiwon Choi and Jaemin Jo
ORD-Xplore: Bridging Open Research Data Collections through Modality Abstractions
Madhav Sachdeva, Michael Blum, Yann Stricker, Tobias Schreck, Rudolf Mumenthaler, and Jürgen Bernard
Project iMuse: an Interactive Visualizer of Lyrical Sentiment
Anna Lu, Jack Anstey, Zack Zhang, and Ruohe Wang
PTMVision: An Interactive Visualization Platform for Post-Translational Modifications of Proteins
Simon Hackl, Caroline Jachmann, Theresa Harbig, Mathias Witte Paz, and Kay Nieselt
Putting Annotations to the Test
Franziska Becker and Thomas Ertl
Supporting Medical Personnel at Analyzing Chronic Lung Diseases with Interactive Visualizations
Rene P. Warnking, Jan Scheer, Frederik Trinkmann, Fabian Siegel, and Till Nagel
Symbolic Event Visualization for Analyzing User Input and Behavior of Augmented Reality Sessions
Solveig Rabsahl, Thomas Satzger, Snehanjali Kalamkar, Jens Grubert, and Fabian Beck
The Challenge of Branch-Aware Data Manifold Exploration
Daniël M. Bot, Jannes Peeters, and Jan Aerts
Towards Visualisation Specifications from Multilingual Natural Language Queries using Large Language Models
Maeve Hutchinson, Aidan Slingsby, Radu Jianu, and Pranava Madhyastha
Unveiling the Dispersal of Historical Books from Religious Orders
Yiwen Xing, Dengyi Yan, Cristina Dondi, Rita Borgo, and Alfie Abdul-Rahman
VESPA: VTK Enhanced with Surface Processing Algorithms
Charles Gueunet and Tiffany L. Chhim
Visual Linkage and Interactive Features of Evidente for an Enhanced Analysis of SNP-based Phylogenies
Mathias Witte Paz, Theresa Harbig, Dolores Varga, Eileen Kränzle, and Kay Nieselt
Visual Planning and Analysis of Latin Formation Dance Patterns
Samuel Beck, Nina Doerr, Fabian Schmierer, Michael Sedlmair, and Steffen Koch
Visualizing Pairwise Feature Interactions in Neural Additive Models
Christian Steinparz, Andreas Hinterreiter, and Marc Streit
Visualizing Sunlight Radiation in the Arctic Ocean
Esben Bay Sørensen, Karl Attard, Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Jakob Kusnick, and Stefan Jänicke
WebGPU for Scalable Client-Side Aggregate Visualization
Gerald Kimmersdorfer, Dominik Wolf, and Manuela Waldner

Recent Submissions

  • WebGPU for Scalable Client-Side Aggregate Visualization 

    Kimmersdorfer, Gerald; Wolf, Dominik; Waldner, Manuela (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    WebGPU is a new graphics API, which now provides compute shaders for general purpose GPU operations in web browsers.We demonstrate the potential of this new technology for scalable information visualization by showing how ...
  • Visualizing Pairwise Feature Interactions in Neural Additive Models 

    Steinparz, Christian; Hinterreiter, Andreas; Streit, Marc (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We present an approach for incorporating feature interactions into Neural Additive Models (NAMs), building upon existing work in this area, to enhance their predictive capabilities while maintaining interpretability. Our ...
  • Visualizing Sunlight Radiation in the Arctic Ocean 

    Sørensen, Esben Bay; Attard, Karl; Gattuso, Jean-Pierre; Kusnick, Jakob; Jänicke, Stefan (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    The Arctic is experiencing dramatic environmental transformation due to rising temperatures and melting ice, which are affecting its environment, wildlife, and human communities. Remote sensing technologies (e.g. satellites) ...
  • Visual Planning and Analysis of Latin Formation Dance Patterns 

    Beck, Samuel; Doerr, Nina; Schmierer, Fabian; Sedlmair, Michael; Koch, Steffen (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Latin formation dancing is a team sport in which up to eight couples perform a coordinated choreography. A central part are the patterns formed by the dancers on the dance floor and the transitions between them. Planning ...
  • Visual Linkage and Interactive Features of Evidente for an Enhanced Analysis of SNP-based Phylogenies 

    Paz, Mathias Witte; Harbig, Theresa; Varga, Dolores; Kränzle, Eileen; Nieselt, Kay (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Phylogenetic trees of a set of bacterial strains are often used to analyze their evolutionary relationships and they are commonly based on genomic features, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Evidente - a ...
  • Unveiling the Dispersal of Historical Books from Religious Orders 

    Xing, Yiwen; Yan, Dengyi; Dondi, Cristina; Borgo, Rita; Abdul-Rahman, Alfie (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    In this paper, we introduce a visualization prototype designed to assist historians in exploring the dispersal of books from religious orders throughout Europe during the sixteenth century and beyond. The prototype is the ...
  • VESPA: VTK Enhanced with Surface Processing Algorithms 

    Gueunet, Charles; Chhim, Tiffany L. (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This work introduces the VESPA project, a bridge between geometry processing with the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL) and scientific visualization with the Visualization Tool Kit (VTK) and ParaView. After ...
  • Symbolic Event Visualization for Analyzing User Input and Behavior of Augmented Reality Sessions 

    Rabsahl, Solveig; Satzger, Thomas; Kalamkar, Snehanjali; Grubert, Jens; Beck, Fabian (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Interacting with augmented reality (AR) systems involves different domains and is more complex than interacting with traditional user interfaces. To analyze AR interactions, we suggest an event visualization approach that ...
  • The Challenge of Branch-Aware Data Manifold Exploration 

    Bot, Daniël M.; Peeters, Jannes; Aerts, Jan (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Branches within clusters can represent meaningful subgroups that should be explored. In general, automatically detecting branching structures within clusters requires analysing the distances between data points and a ...
  • Supporting Medical Personnel at Analyzing Chronic Lung Diseases with Interactive Visualizations 

    Warnking, Rene P.; Scheer, Jan; Trinkmann, Frederik; Siegel, Fabian; Nagel, Till (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We present a visualization system for medical practitioners to analyze lung function data collected at different points in time. In particular, our approach aims to solve the problems practitioners encounter in their daily ...
  • Towards Visualisation Specifications from Multilingual Natural Language Queries using Large Language Models 

    Hutchinson, Maeve; Slingsby, Aidan; Jianu, Radu; Madhyastha, Pranava (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    In this paper, we present an empirical demonstration of a prompt-based learning approach, which utilizes pre-trained Large Language Models to generate visualization specifications from user queries expressed in natural ...
  • Putting Annotations to the Test 

    Becker, Franziska; Ertl, Thomas (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    When users work with interactive visualization systems, they get to see more accessible representations of raw data and interact with these, e.g. by filtering the data or modifying the visualization parameters like color. ...
  • PTMVision: An Interactive Visualization Platform for Post-Translational Modifications of Proteins 

    Hackl, Simon; Jachmann, Caroline; Harbig, Theresa; Paz, Mathias Witte; Nieselt, Kay (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    In recent years, proteins have been shown to carry many more post-translational modifications (PTMs) than originally thought. The visualization of proteins along with their PTMs facilitates exploration and understanding ...
  • Project iMuse: an Interactive Visualizer of Lyrical Sentiment 

    Lu, Anna; Anstey, Jack; Zhang, Zack; Wang, Ruohe (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    Our interactive visualization, Project iMuse [SA22a], provides the unique ability to view the most used words in popular music over the past 50+ years in conjunction with how they were used in songs through sentiment ...
  • ORD-Xplore: Bridging Open Research Data Collections through Modality Abstractions 

    Sachdeva, Madhav; Blum, Michael; Stricker, Yann; Schreck, Tobias; Mumenthaler, Rudolf; Bernard, Jürgen (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We present ORD-Xplore, an approach to bridge gaps between digital editions, which represent valuable collections of multiple digitized research artifacts. However, digital editions often co-exist isolated, making it difficult ...
  • MILADY (Matrix+Linear Diagram): Visual Exploration and Edition of Multivariate Graphs for Computer Networks Management 

    Guglielmino, Mathieu; Bronzino, Francesco; Sallaberry, Arnaud; Monnet, Sébastien (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    This poster introduces MILADY (Matrix+Linear Diagram), a visual method for exploring and editing multivariate graphs from a computer networks perspective. Existing methods usually require multiple views, but our integrated ...
  • Multi-Criteria Optimization for Automatic Dashboard Design 

    Choi, Jiwon; Jo, Jaemin (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We present Gleaner, an automatic dashboard design system that optimizes the design in terms of four design criteria, namely Specificity, Interestingness, Diversity, and Coverage. With these criteria, Gleaner not only ...
  • Interaction Tasks for Explainable Recommender Systems 

    Al-Hazwani, Ibrahim; Alahmadi, Turki; Wardatzky, Kathrin; Inel, Oana; El-Assady, Mennatallah; Bernard, Jürgen (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    In the modern web experience, users interact with various types of recommender systems. In this literature study, we investigate the role of interaction in explainable recommender systems using 27 relevant papers from ...
  • Explorative Study on Semantically Resonant Colors for Combinations of Categories with Application to Meteorological Data 

    Pelchmann, Laura; Bremm, Sebastian; Ebell, Kerstin; Landesberger, Tatiana von (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    We present an exploratory study of semantically resonant colors for combinations of categories. The goal is to support color selection of multi-labeled classes of classified data. We asked participants to assign colors to ...
  • Constructing Hierarchical Continuity in Hilbert & Moore Treemaps 

    Scheibel, Willy; Döllner, Jürgen (The Eurographics Association, 2023)
    The Hilbert and Moore treemap layout algorithms are based on the space-filling Hilbert and Moore curves, respectively, to map tree-structured datasets to a 2D treemap layout. Considering multiple snapshots of a time-variant ...

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