ISBN 978-3-03868-194-6
2 - 5 July 2002, Guimares-Portugal, University of Minho, School of Engineering

Augmented Reality
MIXDesign, Tangible Mixed Reality for Architectural Design
J. Miguel Salles Dias, Pedro Santos, Rafael Bastos, Luis Monteiro, Rui Silvestre, and Nancy Diniz
Computer Games and Multi-modal Interfaces
INTERCOMUNICANDO - Computer Assisted Communication for Severely Handicapped Persons
João Brisson Lopes, Ricardo Amaro, and António Pereira
Virtual Environments
Case study: full-size virtual models of trains
Francisco José Serón, Diego Gutiérrez, Juan Antonio Magallón, Emilio José Sobreviela, and José Antonio Gutiérrez
A Constraint Manager to Support Virtual Maintainability
Luis Marcelino, Norman Murray, and Terrence Fernando
Surface Collision Detection for Maintenance Support in Virtual Environments
Luis Marcelino, Mauro Figueiredo, and Terrence Fernando
A Virtual Collaborative Learning Environment
Irene Karaguilla Ficheman, Roseli de Deus Lopes, and Susana Ester Krüger
Powering Multiprojection lmmersive Environments with Clusters of Commodity Computers
Luciano Pereira Soares, Márcio Calixto Cabral, Paulo Alexandre Bressan, Roseli de Deus Lopes, and Marcelo Knörich Zuffo
Geometric Modeling
Free-Form Solid Modellíng Based on Extended Simplícial Chains Using Triangular Bézier Patches
Ángel Luis García, Juan Ruiz de Miras, and Francisco R. Feito
Direct Modelíng: from Sketches to 3D Models
Fernando Naya, Joaquim A. Jorge, Julián Conesa, Manuel Contera, and José Maria Gomis
Simulating E-Garments Oressed on Personalísed Avatars
José Miguel Salles Dias, David Muifíos González, and Manuel Noronha Gamito
Computer Graphics and Networks
Virtual Reality in Cooperative Teleoperation
Aura Nancy Rodriguez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, and Patrice Torguet
Towards Fully Reconfígurable Multimedia Platforms
Marco A. S. Dai Poz, Ricardo B. Vidigal Leitão, Regis Rossi Alves Faria, Roseli de Deus Lopes, and Marcelo Knörich Zuffo
Lighting and Rendering
A Density Estimation Technique for Radiosity
Miguel Lastra, Carlos Urefía, Jorge Revelles, and Rosana Montes
Marching Edges: A Method for lsosurface Extraction
Francisco Velasco, Juan Carlos Torres, and Pedro Cano
Visualization Techniques in a Building Potential Simulator Using Sunlíght Access Con
Pablo Colossi Grazziotin, Carla M. Dai Sasso Freitas, Benamy Turkienicz, and Fernando O. Ruttkay Pereira
30 Texture-based Hybrid Visualízations
lmma Soada and Isabel Navazo
Hoops Fusion: Synthesis of View-dependent Convex Occluders from a Set of Objects
Àlex Ríos and Isabel Navazo
Algorithms and Data Structures
Algorithms for Point-Polygon Collision Oetection in 20
Juan J. Jiménez Delgado, Rafael J. Segura Sánchez, and Francisco R. Feito Higueruela
Towards Content-Based Retrieval of Technical Orawings through High-Oimensional lndexing
Manuel J. Fonseca and Joaquim A. Jorge
Sketching User Interfaces with Visual Patterns
Anabela Caetano, Neri Goulart, Manuel Fonseca, and Joaquim Jorge
Oetermining orientation of Laser scanned surfaces
João Fradinho Oliveira and Anthony Steed
lmage and Rendering Techniques
Optimal Software-based Projector Alignment
Pablo A. S. Baier and Paulo C. P. Carvalho

Recent Submissions

  • Towards Content-Based Retrieval of Technical Orawings through High-Oimensional lndexing 

    Fonseca, Manuel J.; Jorge, Joaquim A. (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    This paper presents a new approach to classify, index and retrieve technical drawings by content. Our work uses spatial relationships, visual elements and high-dimensional indexing mechanisms to retrieve complex drawings ...
  • Oetermining orientation of Laser scanned surfaces 

    Oliveira, João Fradinho; Steed, Anthony (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Real 3D data acquired from scanning technology provide interesting 3D models for research and industrial applications. However before these models can be used, a surface needs to be jitted to a point cloud of an unknown ...
  • Optimal Software-based Projector Alignment 

    Baier, Pablo A. S.; Carvalho, Paulo C. P. (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    We present a software-based method for alignment of projectors, both for side-by-side (mosaic) and stereo projections. The projectors are assumed to be positioned in such a way that their axes are not perpendicular to the ...
  • Sketching User Interfaces with Visual Patterns 

    Caetano, Anabela; Goulart, Neri; Fonseca, Manuel; Jorge, Joaquim (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    This paper presents an approach to layout static components of user interfaces as hand-drawn compositions of simple geometric shapes, using sketch recognition and visual languages. The system uses a visual grammar built ...
  • Algorithms for Point-Polygon Collision Oetection in 20 

    Delgado, Juan J. Jiménez; Sánchez, Rafael J. Segura; Higueruela, Francisco R. Feito (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    ln this article, several algorithms for the collision detection between a point and a polygon on a plane are presented. Coverings by triangles and barycentric coordinates are used. Temporal and geometric coherence are ...
  • Hoops Fusion: Synthesis of View-dependent Convex Occluders from a Set of Objects 

    Ríos, Àlex; Navazo, Isabel (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Visibility determination is a requirement to navigate through complex scenes. Occluder fusion algorithms generate convex occluders that are contained in the umbra cast by a group of objects given an area light. Hoops are ...
  • Marching Edges: A Method for lsosurface Extraction 

    Velasco, Francisco; Torres, Juan Carlos; Cano, Pedro (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Volumetric data can be represented as a rectilinear structured grid and can be displayed by the rendering of an isosurface that is built from the grid and defining a threshold value. The know marching cubes method builds ...
  • 30 Texture-based Hybrid Visualízations 

    Soada, lmma; Navazo, Isabel (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    ln this paper the visualization of hybrid scenes that contain volume data anda fitted extracted surface is addressed. The proposed algorithm is based on a integrated octree-based representation: the "Hybrid Octree ". The ...
  • Visualization Techniques in a Building Potential Simulator Using Sunlíght Access Con 

    Grazziotin, Pablo Colossi; Freitas, Carla M. Dai Sasso; Turkienicz, Benamy; Pereira, Fernando O. Ruttkay (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    This paper presents the use of a technique known as solar envelope in the simulation of building potential of urban plots as well as the improvement of 2D and 3D visualization techniques of simulation results. The consideration ...
  • Simulating E-Garments Oressed on Personalísed Avatars 

    Dias, José Miguel Salles; González, David Muifíos; Gamito, Manuel Noronha (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    We present a general computational architecture that solves the problem of the production of physical-based virtual textiles and garments (so called electronic garments or e-garments), applicable in lnternet-based ...
  • Virtual Reality in Cooperative Teleoperation 

    Rodriguez, Aura Nancy; Jessel, Jean-Pierre; Torguet, Patrice (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Virtual reality enables to build systems that enhance communication by facilitating information display. ln teleoperation applications, virtual reality improves task performance thanks to intuitive manipulation and exploration ...
  • Towards Fully Reconfígurable Multimedia Platforms 

    Poz, Marco A. S. Dai; Leitão, Ricardo B. Vidigal; Faria, Regis Rossi Alves; Lopes, Roseli de Deus; Zuffo, Marcelo Knörich (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    This paper describes a novel approach to implement multimedia access platforms: reconfigurable oriented codesign. Nowadays we observe a rapid and mutant evolution of multimedia standards and its de facto adoption into many ...
  • Direct Modelíng: from Sketches to 3D Models 

    Naya, Fernando; Jorge, Joaquim A.; Conesa, Julián; Contera, Manuel; Gomis, José Maria (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    ln spite of recent advances in Computer Aided Design, Graphical User Interfaces (GUJ) are, by and large, still at the stage of the so-called WIMP (Window, Icon, Menu, Pointing device) approach. ln recent years, our research ...
  • A Density Estimation Technique for Radiosity 

    Lastra, Miguel; Urefía, Carlos; Revelles, Jorge; Montes, Rosana (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Radiosity computation on scenes including objects with a complex geometry, or with a large number of faces and meshes with very different sizes, is very complex. We presenta new method (based on the Photon Maps method [7]) ...
  • Powering Multiprojection lmmersive Environments with Clusters of Commodity Computers 

    Soares, Luciano Pereira; Cabral, Márcio Calixto; Bressan, Paulo Alexandre; Lopes, Roseli de Deus; Zuffo, Marcelo Knörich (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Multiprojection lmmersive Environments are used in many fields such as science, engineering and art. Virtual Reality (VR) oriented systems have been powered traditionally by high-end graphics workstations or supercomputers ...
  • Free-Form Solid Modellíng Based on Extended Simplícial Chains Using Triangular Bézier Patches 

    García, Ángel Luis; Miras, Juan Ruiz de; Feito, Francisco R. (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    We present a mathematical model for geometric modelling based on the concept of extended simplicial chain (ESC) defined in previous works. With this model, a solid is defined by means of an algebraic sum of nondisjoint ...
  • Surface Collision Detection for Maintenance Support in Virtual Environments 

    Marcelino, Luis; Figueiredo, Mauro; Fernando, Terrence (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Detecting collision between surfaces is an important feature for supporting interactive assembly operations based on the geometric constraint-based simulation. CAD models define the geometry of components using surfaces ...
  • A Virtual Collaborative Learning Environment 

    Ficheman, Irene Karaguilla; Lopes, Roseli de Deus; Krüger, Susana Ester (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    This paper presents a virtual learning environment developed for music education and includes both individual and collaborative interactive environments. This learning environment is a music composition edutainment software, ...
  • MIXDesign, Tangible Mixed Reality for Architectural Design 

    Salles Dias, J. Miguel; Santos, Pedro; Bastos, Rafael; Monteiro, Luis; Silvestre, Rui; Diniz, Nancy (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    MIXDesign, provides a tangible Mixed-Reality system oriented towards tasks in Architectural Design, in severa! usage scenarios, such as Conceptual Design, Client Brief or even Architectural Design education. With MIXDesign, ...
  • A Constraint Manager to Support Virtual Maintainability 

    Marcelino, Luis; Murray, Norman; Fernando, Terrence (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
    Virtual prototyping tools have already captivated the industry's interest as a viable design tool. One of the key challenges for the research community is to extend the capabilities of Virtual Reality technology beyond its ...

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