Now showing items 1-20 of 22

    • Application-oriented Analysis of Material Interface Reconstruction Algorithms in Time-varying Bijel Simulations 

      Bao, Xueyi; Karthikeyan, Nikhil; Schiller, Ulf D.; Iuricich, Federico (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Multimaterial interface reconstruction has been investigated over the years both from visualization and analytical point of view using different metrics. When focusing on visualization, interface continuity and smoothness ...
    • CellTrackVis: Analyzing the Performance of Cell Tracking Algorithms 

      Li, Weimin; Zhang, Xiang; Stern, Alan; Birtwistle, Marc; Iuricich, Federico (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Live-cell imaging is a common data acquisition technique used by biologists to analyze cell behavior. Since manually tracking cells in a video sequence is extremely time-consuming, many automatic algorithms have been ...
    • A Design Study of Visualizing Historical Book Movement 

      Xing, Yiwen; Dondi, Cristina; Borgo, Rita; Abdul-Rahman, Alfie (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Trading of 15th-century books is an area of great interest to historians. In this paper, we document the process behind an intensive design study and close collaboration with a domain expert on understanding crucial ...
    • DASH: Visual Analytics for Debiasing Image Classification via User-Driven Synthetic Data Augmentation 

      Kwon, Bum Chul; Lee, Jungsoo; Chung, Chaeyeon; Lee, Nyoungwoo; Choi, Ho-Jin; Choo, Jaegul (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Image classification models often learn to predict a class based on irrelevant co-occurrences between input features and an output class in training data. We call the unwanted correlations ''data biases,'' and the visual ...
    • Visualization of Tonal Harmony for Jazz Lead Sheets 

      Bunks, Carey; Weyde, Tillman; Slingsby, Aidan; Wood, Jo (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Jazz improvisation is the extemporaneous expression of melody, and musicians commonly base their performances on chord progressions given by lead sheets. It is standard practice to commit a progression to memory by analyzing ...
    • Visual Evaluation of Translation Alignment Data 

      Yousef, Tariq; Jänicke, Stefan (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Translation alignment plays a crucial role in various applications in natural language processing and digital humanities. With the recent advance in neural machine translation and contextualized language models, numerous ...
    • Data+Shift: Supporting Visual Investigation of Data Distribution Shifts by Data Scientists 

      Palmeiro, João; Malveiro, Beatriz; Costa, Rita; Polido, David; Moreira, Ricardo; Bizarro, Pedro (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Machine learning on data streams is increasingly more present in multiple domains. However, there is often data distribution shift that can lead machine learning models to make incorrect decisions. While there are automatic ...
    • Explaining Black Box with Visual Exploration of Latent Space 

      Bodria, Francesco; Rinzivillo, Salvatore; Fadda, Daniele; Guidotti, Riccardo; Giannotti, Fosca; Pedreschi, Dino (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Autoencoders are a powerful yet opaque feature reduction technique, on top of which we propose a novel way for the joint visual exploration of both latent and real space. By interactively exploiting the mapping between ...
    • Towards Multimodal Exploratory Data Analysis: SoniScope as a Prototypical Implementation 

      Enge, Kajetan; Rind, Alexander; Iber, Michael; Höldrich, Robert; Aigner, Wolfgang (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      The metaphor of auscultating with a stethoscope can be an inspiration to combine visualization and sonification for exploratory data analysis. This paper presents SoniScope, a multimodal approach and its prototypical ...
    • GROUPSET: A Set-Based Technique to Explore Time-Varying Data 

      Liu, Liqun; Vuillemot, Romain (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      We introduce GroupSet, a technique to facilitate the exploration of temporal charts using a set-based approach. GroupSet operates in a twofold way: first it classifies temporal data into categories (sets) for each time ...
    • Blocks: Creating Rich Tables with Drag-and-Drop Interaction 

      Whilden, Allison; Karis, Dirk; Setlur, Vidya; Degtyar, Rodion; Que, Jonathan; Lymperopoulos, Filippos (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      We present Blocks, a formalism that enables the building of visualizations by specifying layout, data relationships, and level of detail (LOD) for specific portions of the visualization. Users can create and manipulate ...
    • DSS: Drawing Dynamic Graphs with Spectral Sparsification 

      Meidiana, Amyra; Hong, Seok-Hee; Pu, Yanyi; Lee, Justin; Eades, Peter; Seo, Jinwook (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      This paper presents DSS (Dynamic Spectral Sparsification), a sampling approach for drawing large and complex dynamic graphs which can preserve important structural properties of the original graph. Specifically, we present ...
    • Augmented Intelligence with Interactive Voronoi Treemap for Scalable Grouping: a Usage Scenario with Wearable Data 

      Abuthawabeh, Ala; Baggag, Abdelkader; Aupetit, Michael (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Interactive Voronoi Treemaps have been proposed to support arrangement and grouping tasks of data with snippet image representations. They rely on time-consuming manual actions to group data and cannot display more than a ...
    • Metaphoric Maps for Dynamic Vertex-weighted Graphs 

      Mchedlidze, Tamara; Schnorr, Christian (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      In this paper we study metaphoric maps of dynamic vertex-weighted graphs. Dynamic operations on such graphs allow a vertex to change the weight, vertices and edges appear and disappear. In the metaphoric map this is viewed ...
    • DNC: Dynamic Neighborhood Change Faithfulness Metrics 

      Cai, Shijun; Meidiana, Amyra; Hong, Seok-Hee (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Faithfulness metrics measure how faithfully a visualization displays the ground truth information of the data. For example, neighborhood faithfulness metrics measure how faithfully the geometric neighbors of vertices in a ...
    • The Effect of Graph Layout on the Perception of Graph Density: An Empirical Study 

      Kypridemou, Elektra; Zito, Michele; Bertamini, Marco (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      The visual representation of a graph is crucial in understanding and analyzing its properties. In this empirical study, we examine the effect of different drawing layouts on our perception of graph density. We treat density ...
    • SSCA: Situated Space-time Cube Analytics 

      Alallah, Fouad; Faleel, Shariff; Sakamoto, Yumiko; Rey, Bradley; Irani, Pourang (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Spatio-temporal visualization research has been capturing much attention in recent years. Space-time cube (STC) has been commonly used to visualize this data to support analytic tasks. However, the current STC visualization ...
    • Face-Based Glyphs Revisited 

      Schlieder, Antonia; Wimmer, Philipp; Sadlo, Filip (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      While face-based glyphs have known advantages for certain visualization tasks, they suffer from mixing two rather different visual properties of faces: individual traits and emotion expressions. This paper proposes a set ...
    • Evaluating Countable Texture Elements to Represent Bathymetric Uncertainty 

      Ware, Colin; Kastrisios, Christos (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Measurements of the depth of the seabed vary widely in both horizontal and vertical accuracy. To convey this information to mariners, Zones of Confidence (ZOC) are defined for charts. A mosaic of ZOCs can be represented ...
    • How Effective are Uni- and Multivariate Typographic Encodings? Studying the Usage of FontWeight, Oblique Angle, and Spacing 

      Bäuerle, Andreas; Brath, Richard; El-Assady, Mennatallah (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Text is one of the most commonly used ways to transmit information. It is widely used in various visualizations and determines our understanding of the presented content. The information density of text can be enhanced by ...