Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Consistent Multi- and Single-View HDR-Image Reconstruction from Single Exposures 

      Mohan, Aditya; Zhang, Jing; Cozot, Remi; Loscos, Celine (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Recently, there have been attempts to obtain high-dynamic range (HDR) images from single exposures and efforts to reconstruct multi-view HDR images using multiple input exposures. However, there have not been any attempts ...
    • Evaluation of Deep Pose Detectors for Automatic Analysis of Film Style 

      Wu, Hui-Yin; Nguyen, Luan; Tabei, Yoldoz; Sassatelli, Lucile (The Eurographics Association, 2022)
      Identifying human characters and how they are portrayed on-screen is inherently linked to how we perceive and interpret the story and artistic value of visual media. Building computational models sensible towards story ...