Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • GPU Collision Detection in Conformal Geometric Space 

      Roa, Eduardo; Theoktisto, Víctor; Fairén, Marta; Navazo, Isabel (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      We derive a conformal algebra treatment unifying all types of collisions among points, vectors, areas (defined by bivectors and trivectors) and 3D solid objects (defined by trivectors and quadvectors), based in a reformulation ...
    • A Simple Surface Tracking Method for Physically-Based 3D Water Simulations 

      Amador, G.; Gomes, A. (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      Water simulation, and more generically fluid simulation, is an important research topic in computer graphics. In 3D Eulerian Navier-Stokes-based water simulations, surface tracking and rendering are two delicate problems. ...