EGPGV21: Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
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HyLiPoD: Parallel Particle Advection Via a Hybrid of Lifeline Scheduling and
Parallelization-Over-Data (Short Paper)
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Machine Learning-Based Autotuning for Parallel Particle Advection
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Scalable In Situ Computation of Lagrangian Representations via Local Flow Maps
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Evaluation of PyTorch as a Data-Parallel Programming API for GPU Volume Rendering (Short Paper)
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Faster RTX-Accelerated Empty Space Skipping using Triangulated Active Region Boundary
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Performance Tradeoffs in Shared-memory Platform Portable Implementations of a Stencil
Kernel (Short Paper)
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UnityPIC: Unity Point-Cloud Interactive Core
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Interactive Selection on Calculated Attributes of Large-Scale Particle Data
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Recent Submissions
Interactive Selection on Calculated Attributes of Large-Scale Particle Data
(The Eurographics Association, 2021)We present a GPU-based technique for efficient selection in interactive visualizations of large particle datasets. In particular, we address multiple attributes attached to particles, such as pressure, density, or surface ... -
UnityPIC: Unity Point-Cloud Interactive Core
(The Eurographics Association, 2021)In this work, we present Unity Point-Cloud Interactive Core, a novel interactive point cloud rendering pipeline for the Unity Development Platform. The goal of the proposed pipeline is to expedite the development process ... -
Faster RTX-Accelerated Empty Space Skipping using Triangulated Active Region Boundary Geometry
(The Eurographics Association, 2021)We describe a technique for GPU and RTX accelerated space skipping of structured volumes that improves on prior work by replacing clustered proxy boxes with a GPU-extracted triangle mesh that bounds the active regions. ... -
Evaluation of PyTorch as a Data-Parallel Programming API for GPU Volume Rendering
(The Eurographics Association, 2021)Data-parallel programming (DPP) has attracted considerable interest from the visualization community, fostering major software initiatives such as VTK-m. However, there has been relatively little recent investigation of ... -
Performance Tradeoffs in Shared-memory Platform Portable Implementations of a Stencil Kernel
(The Eurographics Association, 2021)Building on a significant amount of current research that examines the idea of platform-portable parallel code across different types of processor families, this work focuses on two sets of related questions. First, using ... -
Scalable In Situ Computation of Lagrangian Representations via Local Flow Maps
(The Eurographics Association, 2021)In situ computation of Lagrangian flow maps to enable post hoc time-varying vector field analysis has recently become an active area of research. However, the current literature is largely limited to theoretical settings ... -
Machine Learning-Based Autotuning for Parallel Particle Advection
(The Eurographics Association, 2021)Data-parallel particle advection algorithms contain multiple controls that affect their execution characteristics and performance, in particular how often to communicate and how much work to perform between communications. ... -
HyLiPoD: Parallel Particle Advection Via a Hybrid of Lifeline Scheduling and Parallelization-Over-Data
(The Eurographics Association, 2021)Performance characteristics of parallel particle advection algorithms can vary greatly based on workload.With this short paper, we build a new algorithm based on results from a previous bake-off study which evaluated the ... -
PGV 2021: Frontmatter
(The Eurographics Association, 2021)