Now showing items 81-100 of 231

    • Stable and Efficient Differential Estimators on Oriented Point Clouds 

      Lejemble, Thibault; Coeurjolly, David; Barthe, Loïc; Mellado, Nicolas (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Point clouds are now ubiquitous in computer graphics and computer vision. Differential properties of the point-sampled surface, such as principal curvatures, are important to estimate in order to locally characterize the ...
    • Surface Map Homology Inference 

      Born, Janis; Schmidt, Patrick; Campen, Marcel; Kobbelt, Leif (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      A homeomorphism between two surfaces not only defines a (continuous and bijective) geometric correspondence of points but also (by implication) an identification of topological features, i.e. handles and tunnels, and how ...
    • Learning Direction Fields for Quad Mesh Generation 

      Dielen, Alexander; Lim, Isaak; Lyon, Max; Kobbelt, Leif (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      State of the art quadrangulation methods are able to reliably and robustly convert triangle meshes into quad meshes. Most of these methods rely on a dense direction field that is used to align a parametrization from which ...
    • Simpler Quad Layouts using Relaxed Singularities 

      Lyon, Max; Campen, Marcel; Kobbelt, Leif (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      A common approach to automatic quad layout generation on surfaces is to, in a first stage, decide on the positioning of irregular layout vertices, followed by finding sensible layout edges connecting these vertices and ...
    • Scalable Surface Reconstruction with Delaunay-Graph Neural Networks 

      Sulzer, Raphael; Landrieu, Loic; Marlet, Renaud; Vallet, Bruno (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      We introduce a novel learning-based, visibility-aware, surface reconstruction method for large-scale, defect-laden point clouds. Our approach can cope with the scale and variety of point cloud defects encountered in real-life ...
    • Progressive Discrete Domains for Implicit Surface Reconstruction 

      Zhao, Tong; Alliez, Pierre; Boubekeur, Tamy; Busé, Laurent; Thiery, Jean-Marc (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Many global implicit surface reconstruction algorithms formulate the problem as a volumetric energy minimization, trading data fitting for geometric regularization. As a result, the output surfaces may be located arbitrarily ...
    • Delaunay Meshing and Repairing of NURBS Models 

      Xiao, Xiao; Alliez, Pierre; Busé, Laurent; Rineau, Laurent (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      CAD models represented by NURBS surface patches are often hampered with defects due to inaccurate representations of trimming curves. Such defects make these models unsuitable to the direct generation of valid volume meshes, ...
    • Globally Injective Geometry Optimization with Non-Injective Steps 

      Overby, Matthew; Kaufman, Danny; Narain, Rahul (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      We present a method to minimize distortion and compute globally injective mappings from non-injective initialization. Many approaches for distortion minimization subject to injectivity constraints require an injective ...
    • A Data-Driven Approach to Functional Map Construction and Bases Pursuit 

      Azencot, Omri; Lai, Rongjie (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      We propose a method to simultaneously compute scalar basis functions with an associated functional map for a given pair of triangle meshes. Unlike previous techniques that put emphasis on smoothness with respect to the ...
    • Discrete Optimization for Shape Matching 

      Ren, Jing; Melzi, Simone; Wonka, Peter; Ovsjanikov, Maks (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      We propose a novel discrete solver for optimizing functional map-based energies, including descriptor preservation and promoting structural properties such as area-preservation, bijectivity and Laplacian commutativity among ...
    • Blending of Hyperbolic Closed Curves 

      Ikemakhen, Aziz; Ahanchaou, Taoufik (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      In recent years, game developers are interested in developing games in the hyperbolic space. Shape blending is one of the fundamental techniques to produce animation and videos games. This paper presents two algorithms for ...
    • Roominoes: Generating Novel 3D Floor Plans From Existing 3D Rooms 

      Wang, Kai; Xu, Xianghao; Lei, Leon; Ling, Selena; Lindsay, Natalie; Chang, Angel Xuan; Savva, Manolis; Ritchie, Daniel (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Realistic 3D indoor scene datasets have enabled significant recent progress in computer vision, scene understanding, autonomous navigation, and 3D reconstruction. But the scale, diversity, and customizability of existing ...
    • Normal-Driven Spherical Shape Analogies 

      Liu, Hsueh-Ti Derek; Jacobson, Alec (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      This paper introduces a new method to stylize 3D geometry. The key observation is that the surface normal is an effective instrument to capture different geometric styles. Centered around this observation, we cast stylization ...
    • Gauss Stylization: Interactive Artistic Mesh Modeling based on Preferred Surface Normals 

      Kohlbrenner, Maximilian; Finnendahl, Ugo; Djuren, Tobias; Alexa, Marc (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Extending the ARAP energy with a term that depends on the face normal, energy minimization becomes an effective stylization tool for shapes represented as meshes. Our approach generalizes the possibilities of Cubic ...
    • A Robust Multi-View System for High-Fidelity Human Body Shape Reconstruction 

      Zhang, Qitong; Wang, Lei; Ge, Linlin; Luo, Shan; Zhu, Taihao; Jiang, Feng; Ding, Jimmy; Feng, Jieqing (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      This paper proposes a passive multi-view system for human body shape reconstruction, namely RHF-Human, to overcome several challenges including accurate calibration and stereo matching in self-occluded and low-texture skin ...
    • A Benchmark Dataset for Repetitive Pattern Recognition on Textured 3D Surfaces 

      Lengauer, Stefan; Sipiran, Ivan; Preiner, Reinhold; Schreck, Tobias; Bustos, Benjamin (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      In digital archaeology, a large research area is concerned with the computer-aided analysis of 3D captured ancient pottery objects. A key aspect thereby is the analysis of motifs and patterns that were painted on these ...
    • SimJEB: Simulated Jet Engine Bracket Dataset 

      Whalen, Eamon; Beyene, Azariah; Mueller, Caitlin (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      This paper introduces the Simulated Jet Engine Bracket Dataset (SimJEB) [WBM21]: a new, public collection of crowdsourced mechanical brackets and accompanying structural simulations. SimJEB is applicable to a wide range ...
    • Geometry Processing 2021 CGF 40-5: Frontmatter 

      Digne, Julie; Crane, Keenan (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
    • Cooperative Profile Guided Optimizations 

      Stephenson, Mark; Rangan, Ram; Keckler, Stephen W. (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      Existing feedback-driven optimization frameworks are not suitable for video games, which tend to push the limits of performance of gaming platforms and have real-time constraints that preclude all but the simplest execution ...
    • A Halfedge Refinement Rule for Parallel Catmull-Clark Subdivision 

      Dupuy, Jonathan; Vanhoey, Kenneth (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021)
      We show that Catmull-Clark subdivision induces an invariant one-to-four refinement rule for halfedges that reduces to simple algebraic expressions. This has two important consequences. First, it allows to refine the halfedges ...