Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Illumination-driven Light Probe Placement 

      Vardis, Konstantinos; Vasilakis, Andreas Alexandros; Papaioannou, Georgios (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      We introduce a simplification method for light probe configurations that preserves the indirect illumination distribution in scenes with diverse lighting conditions. An iterative graph simplification algorithm discards the ...
    • Tetrahedral Interpolation on Regular Grids 

      Bán, Róbert; Valasek, Gábor (The Eurographics Association, 2021)
      This work proposes the use of barycentric interpolation on enclosing simplices of sample points to infer a reconstructed function from discrete data. In particular, we compare the results of trilinear and tetrahedral ...