Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Black Box Geometric Computing with Python: From Theory to Practice 

      Koch, Sebastian; Schneider, Teseo; Li, Chengchen; Panozzo, Daniele (The Eurographics Association, 2020)
      The first part of the course is theoretical, and introduces the finite element method trough interactive Jupyter notebooks. It also covers recent advancements toward an integrated pipeline, considering meshing and element ...
    • Interactive Flat Coloring of Minimalist Neat Sketches 

      Parakkat, Amal Dev; Madipally, Prudhviraj; Gowtham, Hari Hara; Cani, Marie-Paule (The Eurographics Association, 2020)
      We introduce a simple Delaunay-triangulation based algorithm for the interactive coloring of neat line-art minimalist sketches, ie. vector sketches that may include open contours. The main objective is to minimize user ...