Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, November 6 – 9, 2019

Storytelling in CH
Virtual Reality Experience of Sarajevo War Heritage
Selma Rizvic, Dusanka Boskovic, Vensada Okanovic, Ivona Ivkovic Kihic, and Sanda Sljivo
Augmented Reality (AR) Maps for Experiencing Creative Narratives of Cultural Heritage
Karina Rodriguez Echavarria, Laurie Dibble, Aurelie Bracco, Edward Silverton, and Sophie Dixon
Digitisation and Digital Curation
Lens Calibration for Focus Shift Correction in Close-Range Multispectral Imaging
Simon Brenner and Robert Sablatnig
Lossless Compression of Multi-View Cultural Heritage Image Data
Max von Buelow, Stefan Guthe, Martin Ritz, Pedro Santos, and Dieter W. Fellner
Video Shot Analysis for Digital Curation and Preservation of Historical Films
Daniel Helm and Martin Kampel
Seismic Simulation on Virtual Reality
Josep Lluis Fita, Gonzalo Besuievsky, and Gustavo Patow
Analysis and Visualisation
Web-based Multi-layered Exploration of Annotated Image-based Shape and Material Models
Alberto Jaspe Villanueva, Ruggero Pintus, Andrea Giachetti, and Enrico Gobbetti
Crack Detection in Single- and Multi-Light Images of Painted Surfaces using Convolutional Neural Networks
Tinsae Gebrechristos Dulecha, Andrea Giachetti, Ruggero Pintus, Irina Ciortan, Alberto Jaspe Villanueva, and Enrico Gobbetti
A Comparison of Navigation Techniques in a Virtual Museum Scenario
Ariel Caputo, Federico Borin, and Andrea Giachetti
Accessible Digitisation and Visualisation of Open Cultural Heritage Assets
Asla Medeiros e Sá, Adolfo Ibañez Bartolome, Karina Rodriguez Echavarria, Ricardo Marroquim, and Vivian Luiz Fonseca
3D Modelling and Simulation
Can Augmented Reality Enhance to a Greater Visitor Satisfaction of Historical Landmarks?
Connor Wakefield, Alain Simons, and David John
3D Design Of Ancient Garments
Melanie Carrière, Melina Skouras, and Stefanie Hahmann
An Automatic Approach for the Classification of Ancient Clay Statuettes Based on Heads Features Recognition
Andreas Scalas, Valentina Vassallo, Michela Mortara, Michela Spagnuolo, and Sorin Hermon
End-to-end Color 3D Reproduction of Cultural Heritage Artifacts: Roseninsel Replicas
Matevz Domajnko, Tejas Tanksale, Reimar Tausch, Martin Ritz, Martin Knuth, Pedro Santos, and Dieter W. Fellner
3D Reconstruction and Reproduction
Motif-driven Retrieval of Greek Painted Pottery
Stefan Lengauer, Alexander Komar, Arniel Labrada, Stephan Karl, Elisabeth Trinkl, Reinhold Preiner, Benjamin Bustos, and Tobias Schreck
Preserving Ceramic Industrial Heritage Through Digital Technologies
Karina Rodriguez Echavarria, Tim Weyrich, and Neil Brownsword
Approximate Reconstruction of 3D Scenes From Bas-Reliefs
Pierre Casati, Rémi Ronfard, and Stefanie Hahmann
Experiencing Art by Means of 3D Printed Replicas: Enriching the Interpretation of Pot Oiseau
Myrsini Samaroudi and Karina Rodriguez Echavarria

Recent Submissions

  • Experiencing Art by Means of 3D Printed Replicas: Enriching the Interpretation of Pot Oiseau 

    Samaroudi, Myrsini; Echavarria, Karina Rodriguez (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    Digitally fabricated artefacts or 3D replicas have the potential to enrich the interpretation of cultural assets by enhancing visitors' engagement with collections. However, it is still not well understood how replicas ...
  • Approximate Reconstruction of 3D Scenes From Bas-Reliefs 

    Casati, Pierre; Ronfard, Rémi; Hahmann, Stefanie (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    For thousands of years, bas-reliefs have been used to depict scenes of everyday life, mythology and historic events. Yet, the precise geometry of those scenes remains difficult to interpret and reconstruct. Over the past ...
  • Preserving Ceramic Industrial Heritage Through Digital Technologies 

    Echavarria, Karina Rodriguez; Weyrich, Tim; Brownsword, Neil (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    World-renowned for its perfection of Bone China and underglaze blue printing techniques, the historic Spode Works in Stokeon- Trent was one of the few ceramic factories in Britain to have operated continuously on its ...
  • Motif-driven Retrieval of Greek Painted Pottery 

    Lengauer, Stefan; Komar, Alexander; Labrada, Arniel; Karl, Stephan; Trinkl, Elisabeth; Preiner, Reinhold; Bustos, Benjamin; Schreck, Tobias (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    The analysis of painted pottery is instrumental for understanding ancient Greek society and human behavior of past cultures in Archaeology. A key part of this analysis is the discovery of cross references to establish links ...
  • End-to-end Color 3D Reproduction of Cultural Heritage Artifacts: Roseninsel Replicas 

    Domajnko, Matevz; Tanksale, Tejas; Tausch, Reimar; Ritz, Martin; Knuth, Martin; Santos, Pedro; Fellner, Dieter W. (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    Planning exhibitions of cultural artifacts is always challenging. Artifacts can be very sensitive to the environment and therefore their display can be risky. One way to circumvent this is to build replicas of these ...
  • An Automatic Approach for the Classification of Ancient Clay Statuettes Based on Heads Features Recognition 

    Scalas, Andreas; Vassallo, Valentina; Mortara, Michela; Spagnuolo, Michela; Hermon, Sorin (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    In recent years, quantitative approaches based on mathematical theories and ICT tools, known under the terms of digital, computational, and virtual archaeology, are more and more involved in the traditional archaeological ...
  • 3D Design Of Ancient Garments 

    Carrière, Melanie; Skouras, Melina; Hahmann, Stefanie (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    3D Modeling of this kind of draped clothes worn by a virtual human body is a particularly challenging task in computer graphics primarily due to the combined difficulty of creating layers of numerous fine folds and draping ...
  • Can Augmented Reality Enhance to a Greater Visitor Satisfaction of Historical Landmarks? 

    Wakefield, Connor; Simons, Alain; John, David (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    Augmented reality (AR) is gradually becoming more common for marketing of tourist locations to enhance the visitor experience. But do visitors of historical events value the use of this technology and if so, are they willing ...
  • Accessible Digitisation and Visualisation of Open Cultural Heritage Assets 

    Medeiros e Sá, Asla; Ibañez Vila, Adolfo Bartolome; Rodriguez Echavarria, Karina; Marroquim, Ricardo; Luiz Fonseca, Vivian (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    In this research, we proposed a methodology for documenting open and medium-large scale cultural heritage assets. By open we mean both in the sense of their location in open spaces and the fact that they are openly accessible ...
  • Crack Detection in Single- and Multi-Light Images of Painted Surfaces using Convolutional Neural Networks 

    Dulecha, Tinsae Gebrechristos; Giachetti, Andrea; Pintus, Ruggero; Ciortan, Irina; Villanueva, Alberto Jaspe; Gobbetti, Enrico (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    Cracks represent an imminent danger for painted surfaces that needs to be alerted before degenerating into more severe aging effects, such as color loss. Automatic detection of cracks from painted surfaces' images would ...
  • A Comparison of Navigation Techniques in a Virtual Museum Scenario 

    Caputo,Ariel; Borin, Federico; Giachetti, Andrea (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    Thanks to the recent availability of low-cost immersive Virtual Reality (VR) devices, applications like Virtual Museums, where the users can explore fictional or recreated buildings hosting different artworks, are becoming ...
  • Web-based Multi-layered Exploration of Annotated Image-based Shape and Material Models 

    Villanueva, Alberto Jaspe; Pintus, Ruggero; Giachetti, Andrea; Gobbetti, Enrico (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    We introduce a novel versatile approach for letting users explore detailed image-based shape and material models integrated with structured, spatially-associated descriptive information. We represent the objects of interest ...
  • Seismic Simulation on Virtual Reality 

    Fita, Josep Lluis; Besuievsky, Gonzalo; Patow, Gustavo (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    Virtual Reality has been used in Cultural Heritage for providing immersive experiences of recreated and static environments to the final user. However, there is a lack of virtual reality applications for recreating natural ...
  • Video Shot Analysis for Digital Curation and Preservation of Historical Films 

    Helm, Daniel; kampel, martin (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    In automatic video analysis and film preservation, Shot Boundary Detection (SBD) and Shot Type Classification (STC) are fundamental pre-processing steps. While previous research focuses on detecting and classifying shots ...
  • Lossless Compression of Multi-View Cultural Heritage Image Data 

    von Buelow, Max; Guthe, Stefan; Ritz, Martin; Santos, Pedro; Fellner, Dieter W. (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    Photometric multi-view 3D geometry reconstruction and material capture are important techniques for cultural heritage digitalization. Capturing images of artifacts with high resolution and high dynamic range and the ...
  • Lens Calibration for Focus Shift Correction in Close-Range Multispectral Imaging 

    Brenner, Simon; Sablatnig, Robert (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    Multispectral imaging has become a popular tool to reveal properties and structures in cultural heritage objects that are hidden to the human observer. One of the inherent problems of multispectral imaging applications is ...
  • Augmented Reality (AR) Maps for Experiencing Creative Narratives of Cultural Heritage 

    Echavarria, Karina Rodriguez; Dibble, Laurie; Bracco, Aurelie; Silverton, Edward; Dixon, Sophie (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    This research investigates how communities can meaningfully connect with Cultural Heritage through creative and digital experiences. It also explores how entry barriers can be lowered for a wider set of audiences to increase ...
  • Virtual Reality Experience of Sarajevo War Heritage 

    Rizvic, Selma; Boskovic, Dusanka; Okanovic, Vensada; Kihic, Ivona Ivkovic; Sljivo, Sanda (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    Sarajevo War Tunnel can not be visited any more. It was closed just after the war due to the airport runway security. A small part (20m) can be seen in the Tunnel Museum. The only way to experience passing through this ...
  • GCH 2019: Frontmatter 

    Rizvic, Selma; Rodriguez Echavarria, Karina (Eurographics Association, 2019)