Now showing items 1-20 of 70

    • Learning Style Compatibility Between Objects in a Real-World 3D Asset Database 

      Liu, Yifan; Tang, Ruolan; Ritchie, Daniel (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Large 3D asset databases are critical for designing virtual worlds, and using them effectively requires techniques for efficient querying and navigation. One important form of query is search by style compatibility: given ...
    • RodSteward: A Design-to-Assembly System for Fabrication using 3D-Printed Joints and Precision-Cut Rods 

      Jacobson, Alec (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      We present RodSteward, a design-to-assembly system for creating furniture-scale structures composed of 3D-printed joints and precision-cut rods. The RodSteward systems consists of: RSDesigner, a fabrication-aware design ...
    • Anisotropic Surface Remeshing without Obtuse Angles 

      Xu, Qun-Ce; Yan, Dong-Ming; Li, Wenbin; Yang, Yong-Liang (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      We present a novel anisotropic surface remeshing method that can efficiently eliminate obtuse angles. Unlike previous work that can only suppress obtuse angles with expensive resampling and Lloyd-type iterations, our method ...
    • A Stationary SVBRDF Material Modeling Method Based on Discrete Microsurface 

      Zhu, Junqiu; Xu, Yanning; Wang, Lu (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Microfacet theory is commonly used to build reflectance models for surfaces. While traditional microfacet-based models assume that the distribution of a surface's microstructure is continuous, recent studies indicate that ...
    • Lighting Layout Optimization for 3D Indoor Scenes 

      Jin, Sam; Lee, Sung-Hee (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      As the number of models for 3D indoor scenes are increasing rapidly, methods for generating the lighting layout have also become increasingly important. This paper presents a novel method that creates optimal placements ...
    • Reliable Rolling-guided Point Normal Filtering for Surface Texture Removal 

      Sun, Yangxing; Chen, Honghua; Qin, Jing; Li, Hongwei; Wei, Mingqiang; Zong, Hua (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Semantic surface decomposition (SSD) facilitates various geometry processing and product re-design tasks. Filter-based techniques are meaningful and widely used to achieve the SSD, which however often leads to surface ...
    • Discrete Calabi Flow: A Unified Conformal Parameterization Method 

      Su, Kehua; Li, Chenchen; Zhou, Yuming; Xu, Xu; Gu, Xianfeng (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Conformal parameterization for surfaces into various parameter domains is a fundamental task in computer graphics. Prior research on discrete Ricci flow provided us with promising inspirations from methods derived via ...
    • Global Texture Mapping for Dynamic Objects 

      Kim, Jungeon; Kim, Hyomin; Park, Jaesik; Lee, Seungyong (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      We propose a novel framework to generate a global texture atlas for a deforming geometry. Our approach distinguishes from prior arts in two aspects. First, instead of generating a texture map for each timestamp to color a ...
    • Selecting Texture Resolution Using a Task-specific Visibility Metric 

      Wolski, Krzysztof; Giunchi, Daniele; Kinuwaki, Shinichi; Didyk, Piotr; Myszkowski, Karol; Steed, Anthony; Mantiuk, Rafal K. (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      In real-time rendering, the appearance of scenes is greatly affected by the quality and resolution of the textures used for image synthesis. At the same time, the size of textures determines the performance and the memory ...
    • ShutterApp: Spatio-temporal Exposure Control for Videos 

      Salamon, Nestor; Billeter, Markus; Eisemann, Elmar (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      A camera's shutter controls the incoming light that is reaching the camera sensor. Different shutters lead to wildly different results, and are often used as a tool in movies for artistic purpose, e.g., they can indirectly ...
    • Wavelet Flow: Optical Flow Guided Wavelet Facial Image Fusion 

      Ding, Hong; Yan, Qingan; Fu, Gang; Xiao, Chunxia (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Estimating the correspondence between the images using optical flow is the key component for image fusion, however, computing optical flow between a pair of facial images including backgrounds is challenging due to large ...
    • A PatchMatch-based Approach for Matte Propagation in Videos 

      Backes, Marcos; Menezes de Oliveira Neto, Manuel (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Despite considerable advances in natural image matting over the last decades, video matting still remains a difficult problem. The main challenges faced by existing methods are the large amount of user input required, and ...
    • Single-View Modeling of Layered Origami with Plausible Outer Shape 

      Kato, Yuya; Tanaka, Shinichi; Kanamori, Yoshihiro; Mitani, Jun (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Modeling 3D origami pieces using conventional software is laborious due to the geometric constraints imposed by the complicated layered structure. Targeting origami models used in visual content such as CG illustrations ...
    • Image Composition of Partially Occluded Objects 

      Tan, Xuehan; Xu, Panpan; Guo, Shihui; Wang, Wencheng (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Image composition extracts the content of interest (COI) from a source image and blends it into a target image to generate a new image. In the majority of existing works, the COI is manually extracted and then overlaid on ...
    • Intrinsic Symmetry Detection on 3D Models with Skeleton-guided Combination of Extrinsic Symmetries 

      Wang, Wencheng; Ma, Junhui; Xu, Panpan; Chu, Yiyao (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      The existing methods for intrinsic symmetry detection on 3D models always need complex measures such as geodesic distances for describing intrinsic geometry and statistical computation for finding non-rigid transformations ...
    • Topology Preserving Simplification of Medial Axes in 3D Models 

      Chu, Yiyao; Hou, Fei; Wang, Wencheng; Li, Lei (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      We propose an efficient method for topology-preserving simplification of medial axes of 3D models. Existing methods either cannot preserve the topology during medial axes simplification or have the problem of being ...
    • Learning to Predict Image-based Rendering Artifacts with Respect to a Hidden Reference Image 

      Bemana, Mojtaba; Keinert, Joachim; Myszkowski, Karol; Bätz, Michel; Ziegler, Matthias; Seidel, Hans-Peter; Ritschel, Tobias (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Image metrics predict the perceived per-pixel difference between a reference image and its degraded (e. g., re-rendered) version. In several important applications, the reference image is not available and image metrics ...
    • Mesh Defiltering via Cascaded Geometry Recovery 

      Wei, Mingqiang; Guo, Xianglin; Huang, Jin; Xie, Haoran; Zong, Hua; Kwan, Reggie; Wang, Fu Lee; Qin, Jing (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      This paper addresses the nontraditional but practically meaningful reversibility problem of mesh filtering. This reverse-filtering approach (termed a DeFilter) seeks to recover the geometry of a set of filtered meshes to ...
    • FontRNN: Generating Large-scale Chinese Fonts via Recurrent Neural Network 

      Tang, Shusen; Xia, Zeqing; Lian, Zhouhui; Tang, Yingmin; Xiao, Jianguo (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Despite the recent impressive development of deep neural networks, using deep learning based methods to generate largescale Chinese fonts is still a rather challenging task due to the huge number of intricate Chinese glyphs, ...
    • Appearance Flow Completion for Novel View Synthesis 

      Le, Hoang; Liu, Feng (The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019)
      Novel view synthesis from sparse and unstructured input views faces challenges like the difficulty with dense 3D reconstruction and large occlusion. This paper addresses these problems by estimating proper appearance flows ...