Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Techniques for the Physics Based Simulation of Fluids and Solids
Dan Koschier, Jan Bender, Barbara Solenthaler, and Matthias Teschner
Deep Learning for Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing
Michael Bronstein, Leonidas Guibas, Iasonas Kokkinos, Or Litany, Niloy Mitra, Federico Monti, and Emanuele Rodolà
libigl: Prototyping Geometry Processing Research in C++
Daniele Panozzo and Alec Jacobson
Learning Generative Models of 3D Structures
Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Daniel Ritchie, Kai Xu, and Hao (Richard) Zhang

Recent Submissions

  • EUROGRAPHICS 2019: Tutorials Frontmatter 

    Jakob, Wenzel; Puppo, Enrico (Eurographics Association, 2019)
  • Learning Generative Models of 3D Structures 

    Chaudhuri, Siddhartha; Ritchie, Daniel; Xu, Kai; Zhang, Hao (Richard) (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    Many important applications demand 3D content, yet 3D modeling is a notoriously difficult and inaccessible activity. This tutorial provides a crash course in one of the most promising approaches for democratizing 3D modeling: ...
  • libigl: Prototyping Geometry Processing Research in C++ 

    Panozzo, Daniele; Jacobson, Alec (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    Modern geometry processing algorithms depend on an ever-growing toolbox of fundamental sub-routines and data structures. Prototyping from scratch requires much time building basic tools rather than focusing on the novel ...
  • Deep Learning for Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing 

    Bronstein, Michael; Guibas, Leonidas; Kokkinos, Iasonas; Litany, Or; Mitra, Niloy; Monti, Federico; Rodolà, Emanuele (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    In computer graphics and geometry processing, many traditional problems are now becoming increasingly handled by data-driven methods. In an increasing variety of problem settings, deep networks are state-of-the-art, beating ...
  • Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Techniques for the Physics Based Simulation of Fluids and Solids 

    Koschier, Dan; Bender, Jan; Solenthaler, Barbara; Teschner, Matthias (The Eurographics Association, 2019)
    Graphics research on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) has produced fantastic visual results that are unique across the board of research communities concerned with SPH simulations. Generally, the SPH formalism serves ...