Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • Automatic Generation of Saliency-based Areas of Interest for the Visualization and Analysis of Eye-tracking Data 

      Fuhl, Wolfgang; Kuebler, Thomas; Santini, Thiago; Kasneci, Enkelejda (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      Areas of interest (AOIs) are a powerful basis for the analysis and visualization of eye-tracking data. They allow to relate eyetracking metrics to semantic stimulus regions and to perform further statistics. In this work, ...
    • Compressed Bounding Volume Hierarchies for Efficient Ray Tracing of Disperse Hair 

      Martinek, Magdalena; Stamminger, Marc; Binder, Nikolaus; Keller, Alexander (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      Ray traced human hair is becoming more and more ubiquitous in photorealistic image synthesis. Despite hierarchical data structures for accelerated ray tracing, performance suffers from the bad separability inherent with ...
    • Dynamic Environment Mapping for Augmented Reality Applications on Mobile Devices 

      Monroy, Rafael; Hudon, Matis; Smolic, Aljosa (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      Augmented Reality is a topic of foremost interest nowadays. Its main goal is to seamlessly blend virtual content in real-world scenes. Due to the lack of computational power in mobile devices, rendering a virtual object ...
    • Efficient Global Registration for Nominal/Actual Comparisons 

      Berkei, Sarah; Limper, Max; Hörr, Christian; Kuijper, Arjan (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      We investigate global registration methods for Nominal/Actual comparisons, using precise, high-resolution 3D scans. First we summarize existing approaches and requirements for this field of application. We then demonstrate ...
    • A Fast and Efficient Semi-guided Algorithm for Flat Coloring Line-arts 

      Fourey, Sébastien; Tschumperlé, David; Revoy, David (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      We present a fast and efficient algorithm for the semi-supervised colorization of line-art images (e.g. hand-made cartoons), based on two successive steps: 1. A geometric analysis of the stroke contours, and their closing ...
    • Hierarchical Additive Poisson Disk Sampling 

      Dieckmann, Alexander; Klein, Reinhard (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      Generating samples of point clouds and meshes with blue noise characteristics is desirable for many applications in rendering and geometry processing. Working with laser-scanned or lidar point clouds, we usually find region ...
    • Interactive Interpolation of Metallic Effect Car Paints 

      Golla, Tim; Klein, Reinhard (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      Metallic car paints are visually complex materials that, among others effects, exhibit a view-dependent metallic sparkling, which is particularly difficult to recreate in computer graphics. While capturing real-world ...
    • Painterly Rendering using Limited Paint Color Palettes 

      Lindemeier, Thomas; Gülzow, J. Marvin; Deussen, Oliver (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      We present a painterly rendering method for digital painting systems as well as visual feedback based painting machines that automatically extracts color palettes from images and computes mixture recipes for these from a ...
    • Web-based Volume Rendering using Progressive Importance-based Data Transfer 

      Mwalongo, Finian; Krone, Michael; Reina, Guido; Ertl, Thomas (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      WebGL 2.0 makes it possible to implement efficient volume rendering that runs in browsers using 3D textures and complex fragment shaders. However, a typical bottleneck for web-based volume rendering is the size of the ...
    • WithTeeth: Denture Preview in Augmented Reality 

      Amirkhanov, Aleksandr; Amirkhanov, Artem; Bernhard, Matthias; Toth, Zsolt; Stiller, Sabine; Geier, Andreas; Gröller, Eduard; Mistelbauer, Gabriel (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
      Dentures are prosthetic devices replacing missing or damaged teeth, often used for dental reconstruction. Dental reconstruction improves the functional state and aesthetic appearance of teeth. State-of-the-art methods used ...