XXVIII Spanish Computer Graphics Conference, Madrid, Spain, June 27 – 29, 2018

Animation and Simulation
Muscle Simulation with Extended Position Based Dynamics
Marco Romeo, Carlos Monteagudo, and Daniel Sánchez-Quirós
Modelling the Fluid-Boundary Interaction in SPH
Juan J. Perea and Juan M. Cordero
Toward Estimation of Yarn-Level Cloth Simulation Models
Alberto Martín-Garrido, Eder Miguel, and Miguel Ángel Otaduy
A Prototype of a Scalable Multi-GPU Molecular Dynamics Simulator for Large Molecular Systems
Gonzalo Nicolas-Barreales, Marcos Novalbos, Miguel Ángel Otaduy, and Alberto Sánchez
Graphics Interaction, Visualization and Rendering
A Physically-Based Spatio-Temporal Sky Model
David Guimera, Diego Gutierrez, and Adrián Jarabo
A Usability Study for a Novel Approach to Virtual Reality Interaction
José Negrillo, Juan Roberto Jiménez, and Francisco Ramón Feito
A Prototype of Virtual Reality System for the Visualization, Exploration and Modeling of Huge Point Clouds
José Ortega-Donaire, Rafael Jesús Segura-Sánchez, Carlos-Javier Ogáyar-Anguita, and Antonio Jesús Rueda-Ruiz
Rendering and Interacting With Volume Models in Immersive Environments
Joan Fons, Eva Monclús, Pere-Pau Vázquez, and Isabel Navazo
Design and Implementation of a Volumetric Merging Tool
Isabel Vidaurre-Gallart, Aaron Sújar, and Marcos García
Virtual and Augmented Reality
FORHHSS-TEA, Support to the Individual Work System for People With Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Virtual and Augmented Reality
Javier Sevilla, Lucia Vera, Gerardo Herrera, and Marcos Fernández
Study of the Influence of User Characteristics on the Virtual Reality Presence
Jesús Mayor, Alberto Sánchez, and Laura Raya
On the Design of a Mixed-Reality Annotations Tool for the Inspection of Pre-fab Buildings
Inma García-Pereira, Jesús Gimeno, Cristina Portalés, María Vidal-González, and Pedro Morillo
Experiences From the Development of a Prototype of an Spatial Augmented Reality System
José Luis Cárdenas-Donoso, Ángel-Luis García-Fernández, Francisco-de-Asís Conde-Rodríguez, and Carlos Javier Ogáyar-Anguita
PterosaVR MUVHN: una aplicación para la reconstrucción virtual de Tropeognathus mesembrinus
Tonny Ruiz-Gijón, Marcos Gutiérrez Cubells, Borja Holgado, Hugo Salais López, María Vidal-González, and Anna García Forner
Procedural Modelling and Models Acquisition
Noise Reduction Automation of LiDAR Point Clouds for Modeling and Representation of High Voltage Lines in a 3D Virtual Globe
Jaisiel Santana, Sebastián Ortega, José Miguel Santana, Agustin Trujillo, and Jose Pablo Suárez
Blast Features and Requirements for Fracturing Osseous Models
Francisco Daniel Pérez, Juan José Jiménez, and Juan Roberto Jiménez
Depth Map Repairing for Building Reconstruction
Carlos Andújar, Oscar Argudo, Isaac Besora, Pere Brunet, Antoni Chica, and Marc Comino
LeoMCAD: A Lego-based Mechanical CAD system
Francisco González García, Jesús Amador Pérez Martín, and Gustavo A. Patow
Data Analysis and Visualization
A Procedural Approach for Thermal Visualization on Buildings
David Muñoz, Gonzalo Besuievsky, and Gustavo A. Patow
A Visual Interface for Feature Subset Selection Using Machine Learning Methods
Diego Rojo, Laura Raya, Manuel Rubio-Sánchez, and Alberto Sánchez
3D Mapping Approach to Analyze the Evolution of Vegetation Using Multispectral Imagery
Juan Manuel Jurado, Lidia Ortega, and Francisco Ramón Feito

Recent Submissions

  • 3D Mapping Approach to Analyze the Evolution of Vegetation Using Multispectral Imagery 

    Jurado, Juan Manuel; Ortega, Lidia; Feito, Francisco Ramón (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    The 3D simulation for the evolution process of crop types requires the management of large volume of data to make an accurate analysis of functional and structural vegetation characteristics. In fact, current geomatics ...
  • A Visual Interface for Feature Subset Selection Using Machine Learning Methods 

    Rojo, Diego; Raya, Laura; Rubio-Sánchez, Manuel; Sánchez, Alberto (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    Visual representation of information remains a key part of exploratory data analysis. This is due to the high number of features in datasets and their increasing complexity, together with users' ability to visually understand ...
  • A Procedural Approach for Thermal Visualization on Buildings 

    Muñoz, David; Besuievsky, Gonzalo; Patow, Gustavo A. (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    Thermal behaviour analysis on buildings is an important goal for all tasks involving energy flow simulation in urban environments. One of the most widely used simplified thermal models is based on an electrical analogy, ...
  • LeoMCAD: A Lego-based Mechanical CAD system 

    García, Francisco González; Martín, Jesús Amador Pérez; Patow, Gustavo A. (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    Mechanical Design (MCAD) tools are used for creating 3D digital prototypes used in the design, visualization, and simulation of products. In this paper we present LeoMCAD, a Lego-based mechanical system designed to be used ...
  • Depth Map Repairing for Building Reconstruction 

    Andújar, Carlos; Argudo, Oscar; Besora, Isaac; Brunet, Pere; Chica, Antoni; Comino Trinidad, Marc (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    Structure-from-motion along with multi-view stereo techniques jointly allow for the inexpensive scanning of 3D objects (e.g. buildings) using just a collection of images taken from commodity cameras. Despite major advances ...
  • Blast Features and Requirements for Fracturing Osseous Models 

    Pérez, Francisco Daniel; Jiménez, Juan José; Jiménez, Juan Roberto (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    Fracturing osseous models is a challenge in computer graphics. The generation of bone fractures is important in the field of traumatology mainly for training. This field of research can provide specialists with a rich and ...
  • Noise Reduction Automation of LiDAR Point Clouds for Modeling and Representation of High Voltage Lines in a 3D Virtual Globe 

    Santana, Jaisiel; Ortega, Sebastián; Santana, José Miguel; Trujillo, Agustin; Suárez, Jose Pablo (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    Due to the importance of electricity supply, electric companies must inspect their infrastructure in order to guarantee the reliability of the service. In this scenario, many companies use LiDAR technology for modeling the ...
  • PterosaVR MUVHN: una aplicación para la reconstrucción virtual de Tropeognathus mesembrinus 

    Ruiz-Gijón, Tonny; Cubells, Marcos Gutiérrez; Holgado, Borja; López, Hugo Salais; Vidal-González, María; Forner, Anna García (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    Tanto el paleoarte como las nuevas tecnologías suponen herramientas muy útiles y visualmente atractivas para la representación de la vida extinta. En este proyecto, ambas disciplinas han sido combinadas en el desarrollo ...
  • Experiences From the Development of a Prototype of an Spatial Augmented Reality System 

    Cárdenas-Donoso, José Luis; García-Fernández, Ángel-Luis; Conde-Rodríguez, Francisco-de-Asís; Ogáyar-Anguita, Carlos-Javier (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    This paper describes the hardware and software of a prototype of a portable Spatial Augmented Reality system. This prototype is completely autonomous and projects the information on the real world, so that it is visible ...
  • On the Design of a Mixed-Reality Annotations Tool for the Inspection of Pre-fab Buildings 

    García-Pereira, Inma; Gimeno, Jesús; Portalés, Cristina; Vidal-González, María; Morillo, Pedro (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    The introduction of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in the inspection works carried out during the construction of prefabricated buildings can allow the early detection and elimination of deviations in their ...
  • Study of the Influence of User Characteristics on the Virtual Reality Presence 

    Mayor, Jesús; Sánchez, Alberto; Raya, Laura (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    In recent years, virtual reality has grown a lot in different areas of application, including ludic, social and research, being used by a large and growing number of users with different profiles. Presence is one of the ...
  • FORHHSS-TEA, Support to the Individual Work System for People With Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Virtual and Augmented Reality 

    Sevilla, Javier; Vera, Lucia; Herrera, Gerardo; Fernández, Marcos (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    The Individual Work System (IWS) is an essential element from the TEACCH program, designed by The University of North Carolina (USA), one of the most used all over the world for work with persons with Autism Spectrum ...
  • Design and Implementation of a Volumetric Merging Tool 

    Vidaurre-Gallart, Isabel; Sújar, Aaron; García, Marcos (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    The study of the human brain is one of the biggest research challenges nowadays. Thanks to the impressive improvement in technology, great advances are being achieved in the study of the microanatomical structures of the ...
  • Rendering and Interacting With Volume Models in Immersive Environments 

    Fons, Joan; Monclús, Eva; Vázquez, Pere-Pau; Navazo, Isabel (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    The recent advances in VR headsets, such as the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, at affordable prices offering a high resolution display, has empowered the development of immersive VR applications. data. In this paper we propose ...
  • A Prototype of Virtual Reality System for the Visualization, Exploration and Modeling of Huge Point Clouds 

    Ortega-Donaire, José; Segura-Sánchez, Rafael Jesús; Ogáyar-Anguita, Carlos-Javier; Rueda-Ruiz, Antonio Jesús (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    The use of specific techniques for the management and visualization of huge point clouds is necessary to solve the drawbacks of inefficiency derived from the size of the dataset and the techniques used to visualize it. ...
  • A Usability Study for a Novel Approach to Virtual Reality Interaction 

    Negrillo, José; Jiménez, Juan Roberto; Feito, Francisco Ramón (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    The number of virtual reality-based systems have considerably increased in recent years due to many technical improvements and lower prices. Nowadays, the applications of this kind of systems go further than videogames. ...
  • A Physically-Based Spatio-Temporal Sky Model 

    Guimera, David; Gutierrez, Diego; Jarabo, Adrián (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    In this work we present a physically-based optical model of the atmosphere, that takes into account the seasonal and geographic variation of its composition. Based on data from the atmospheric science literature, we build ...
  • Toward Estimation of Yarn-Level Cloth Simulation Models 

    Martín-Garrido, Alberto; Miguel, Eder; Otaduy, Miguel Ángel (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    Efficient and realistic cloth simulation is an unsolved problem, with yarn-level models emerging as a new alternative thanks to new hardware capabilities. Modeling yarns as flexible rods with persistent contacts enables a ...
  • A Prototype of a Scalable Multi-GPU Molecular Dynamics Simulator for Large Molecular Systems 

    Nicolas-Barreales, Gonzalo; Novalbos, Marcos; Otaduy, Miguel Ángel; Sánchez, Alberto (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    Parallel architectures, in the form of multi-core or multiple computers, have produced a major impact in the field of information technology. GPU devices, as an extreme example of parallel architectures, have been adapted ...
  • Modelling the Fluid-Boundary Interaction in SPH 

    Perea, Juan J.; Cordero, Juan M. (The Eurographics Association, 2018)
    Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a numerical method based on mutually interacting meshfree particles, and has been widely applied to fluid simulation in Computer Graphics. Originally SPH does not define the behaviour ...

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