Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • k-d Tree Construction Designed for Motion Blur 

      Yang, Xin; Liu, Qi; Yin, Baocai; Zhang, Qiang; Zhou, Dongsheng; Wei, Xiaopeng (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      We present a k-d tree construction algorithm designed to accelerate rendering of scenes with motion blur, in application scenarios where a k-d tree is either required or desired. Our associated data structure focuses on ...
    • Local Quasi-Monte Carlo Exploration 

      Tessari, Lorenzo; Hanika, Johannes; Dachsbacher, Carsten (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      In physically-based image synthesis, the path space of light transport paths is usually explored by stochastic sampling. The two main families of algorithms are Monte Carlo/quasi-Monte Carlo sampling and Markov chain Monte ...
    • Material Design in Augmented Reality with In-Situ Visual Feedback 

      Shi, Weiqi; Wang, Zeyu; Sezgin, Metin; Dorsey, Julie; Rushmeier, Holly (The Eurographics Association, 2017)
      Material design is the process by which artists or designers set the appearance properties of virtual surface to achieve a desired look. This process is often conducted in a virtual synthetic environment however, advances ...