Now showing items 21-33 of 33

    • Perception-Based Rendering: Eyes Wide Bleached 

      Gutierrez, Diego; Anson, Oscar; Munoz, Adolfo; Seron, Francisco J. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      Perception issues are a key factor in rendering Vision-Realistic images. This paper develops a novel spectral sensitive model of the Human Visual System (HVS) in order to simulate the bleaching effect in retinal photopigments. ...
    • Path Planning for Crowds: From Shared Goals to Individual Behaviors 

      Pettre, Julien; Thalmann, Daniel (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      This paper presents a novel approach for path planning in the context of crowds animation. The solution produces several paths joining each user-defined pair of locations in the environment. Pairs are possible initial/goal ...
    • Proactive Steering Toward Oriented Targets 

      Boulic, Ronan (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      In this paper we introduce a real-time steering controller ensuring the reach of a (possible mobile) target position and orientation, without requiring to build/update the full trajectory to that target. We name it the ...
    • Real-time Upper Body 3D Pose Estimation from a Single Uncalibrated Camera 

      Micilotta, Antonio Salvatore; Ong, Eng Jon; Bowden, Richard (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      In this paper we introduce a real-time steering controller ensuring the reach of a (possible mobile) target position and orientation, without requiring to build/update the full trajectory to that target. We name it the ...
    • Model-driven Virtual Mezzotint Techniques 

      Tasaki, Daisuke; Mizuno, Shinji; Okada, Minoru (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      Mezzotint is a traditional printing technique that is categorized into copperplate printing where an entire plate surface is roughened by some steel tools. In this paper the authors propose a method to realize two mezzotint ...
    • Walking with Pens 

      Kolhoff, Philipp; Preuß, Jacqueline; Loviscach, Jörn (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      Believable 3D animation of walking or running characters still requires complex motion capture technology or extensive skills in manual keyframing. We present an inexpensive, yet natural input method: The user walks on ...
    • Sculpting in Augmented Reality 

      Mackie, Jayson (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      We present an Augmented Reality (AR) application which allows a user to manipulate a piece of virtual clay using a marker-free unencumbered hand. By removing the need to wear a glove or place markers on the hand the ...
    • Carving, Painting, and Printing with a Pen Tablet 

      Mizuno, Shinji; Kobayashi, Daigo; Okada, Minoru; Toriwaki, Junichiro; Yamamoto, Shinji (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      We discuss on an interactive CG system with a pressure sensitive pen tablet. This system is based on the virtual sculpting and printing method which are simulations of real sculpting and woodblock printing. In the sculpting ...
    • Scalar Tagged PN Triangles 

      Boubekeur, Tamy; Reuter, Patrick; Schlick, Christophe (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      This paper presents a new technique to convert a coarse polygonal geometric model into a smooth surface interpolating the mesh vertices, by improving the principle proposed by Vlachos et al. in their "Curved PN-Triangles". ...
    • A Sharpness Dependent Approach to 3D Polygon Mesh Hole Filling 

      Chen, Chun-Yen; Cheng, Kuo-Young; Liao, H.Y. Mark (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      A sharpness dependent hole filling approach is proposed in this paper. The proposed method can fill the hole of a mesh-based model and recover its sharp feature located at the hole area. Interpolation based on radial basis ...
    • Fast and Controllable 3D Modelling From Silhouettes 

      Prasad, Mukta; Fitzgibbon, Andrew; Zisserman, Andrew (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      We show how a 3D model of a complex curved object can be easily extracted from a single 2D image. A userdefined silhouette is the key input; and we show that finding the smoothest 3D surface which projects exactly to this ...
    • Real-Time Marching Cubes on the Vertex Shader 

      Goetz, Frank; Junklewitz, Theodor; Domik, Gitta (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      In this paper we propose a new approach for visualizing volumetric datasets by their isosurfaces. For an interactive isosurface reconstruction an optimized version of the well-known marching cubes algorithm is used. We ...
    • Constriction Computation using Surface Curvature 

      Hétroy, F. (The Eurographics Association, 2005)
      This paper provides a curvature-based algorithm to compute locally shortest geodesics on closed triangulated surfaces. These curves, which are called "constrictions", are useful for shape segmentation. The key idea of the ...