EG Short Presentations 2005


Hétroy, F.
Constriction Computation using Surface Curvature

Goetz, Frank; Junklewitz, Theodor; Domik, Gitta
Real-Time Marching Cubes on the Vertex Shader

Prasad, Mukta; Fitzgibbon, Andrew; Zisserman, Andrew
Fast and Controllable 3D Modelling From Silhouettes

Chen, Chun-Yen; Cheng, Kuo-Young; Liao, H.Y. Mark
A Sharpness Dependent Approach to 3D Polygon Mesh Hole Filling

Boubekeur, Tamy; Reuter, Patrick; Schlick, Christophe
Scalar Tagged PN Triangles

Mizuno, Shinji; Kobayashi, Daigo; Okada, Minoru; Toriwaki, Junichiro; Yamamoto, Shinji
Carving, Painting, and Printing with a Pen Tablet

Mackie, Jayson
Sculpting in Augmented Reality

Tasaki, Daisuke; Mizuno, Shinji; Okada, Minoru
Model-driven Virtual Mezzotint Techniques

Kolhoff, Philipp; Preuß, Jacqueline; Loviscach, Jörn
Walking with Pens

Boulic, Ronan
Proactive Steering Toward Oriented Targets

Micilotta, Antonio Salvatore; Ong, Eng Jon; Bowden, Richard
Real-time Upper Body 3D Pose Estimation from a Single Uncalibrated Camera

Pettre, Julien; Thalmann, Daniel
Path Planning for Crowds: From Shared Goals to Individual Behaviors

Gutierrez, Diego; Anson, Oscar; Munoz, Adolfo; Seron, Francisco J.
Perception-Based Rendering: Eyes Wide Bleached

Grosch, Thorsten
Differential Photon Mapping - Consistent Augmentation of Photographs with Correction of all Light Paths

Haevre, William Van; Reeth, Frank Van
Video Textures Exploiting Symmetric Movements

Georgiev, Todor
Image Reconstruction Invariant to Relighting

Ummenhoffer, Tamás; Szirmay-Kalos, László
Real-Time Rendering of Cloudy Natural Phenomena with Hierarchical Depth Impostors

Garcia, Ismael; Sbert, Mateu; Szirmay-Kalos, László
Leaf Cluster Impostors for Tree Rendering with Parallax

Candussi, Alberto; Canduss, Nicola; Höllerer, Tobias
Rendering Realistic Trees and Forests in Real Time

Nesme, Matthieu; Payan, Yohan; Faure, François
Efficient, Physically Plausible Finite Elements

Bertails, Florence; Audoly, Basile; Querleux, Bernard; Leroy, Frédéric; Lévêque, Jean-Luc; Cani, Marie-Paule
Predicting Natural Hair Shapes by Solving the Statics of Flexible Rods

Rodriguez-Navarro, Javier; Sainz, Miguel; Susin, Antonio
Fast Body-Cloth simulation with moving humanoids

Fratarcangeli, Marco; Schaerf, Marco
Facial Motion Cloning Using Global Shape Deformation

Peinado, Manuel; Boulic, Ronan; Callennec, Benoit Le; Meziat, D.
Progressive Cartesian Inequality Constraints for the Inverse Kinematic Control of Articulated Chains

Cheng, Irene; Boulanger, Pierre
A 3D Perceptual Metric using Just-Noticeable-Difference

Cheng, Irene; Boulanger, Pierre
A Visual Quality Prediction Model for 3D Texture

Sudarsanam, Nisha; Grimm, Cindy M; Singh, Karan
Interactive Manipulation Of Projections With a Curved Perspective

Balogh, Tibor; Forgács, Tamás; Agács, Tibor; Balet, Olivier; Bouvier, Eric; Bettio, Fabio; Gobbetti, Enrico; Zanetti, Gianluigi
A Scalable Hardware and Software System for the Holographic Display of Interactive Graphics Applications

Hoeben, Aldo; Stappers, Pieter Jan
Improving the Experience of Scenes with a Large Field of View using Shift Lens Perspective

Czuczor, Szabolcs; Szirmay-Kalos, László; Szécsi, László; Neumann, László
Photon Map Gathering on the GPU

Lindsay, Clifford; Agu, Emmanuel
Spherical Harmonic Lighting of Wavelength-Dependent Phenomena

Banerjee, Kutty; Wu, Fan; Agu, Emmanuel
Estimating Mobile Memory Requirements and Rendering Time for Remote Execution of the Graphics Pipeline