Now showing items 21-30 of 30

    • Modelling Cloth Buckling and Drape 

      Dias, J.M.S.; Gamito, M.N.; Rebordao, J.M. (Eurographics Association, 1998)
      We present a new computational model for plain woven fabrics. The model is able to represent known elastic behaviour in deformation, such as planar extension and shearing and out-of-plane bending, drape and buckling. The ...
    • The Hidden Face Determination Tree 

      James, A.; Day, A.M. (Eurographics Association, 1998)
      Hidden surface removal can be achieved using the Priority Face Determination (PFD) tree to create a priority ordering of n polygons in log4=3 n time. In this paper, we describe the Hidden Face Determi- nation (HFD) tree ...
    • Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Virtual Environment 

      Mantler, S.; Schmalstieg, D. (Eurographics Association, 1998)
    • Comparison between two Three-Dimensional Edge Operators applied in a 3D Navigation Approach 

      Dillenseger, J.L.; Sousa Santos, B. (Eurographics Association, 1998)
      This paper will compare two 3D surface detection and normal estimation operators applied on a rough voxel database. These approaches can be applied as virtual endoscopy for the exploriation of 3D medical image volumes. The ...
    • Immersive High Quality Communication 

      Gräff, A.; Schiffner, N. (Eurographics Association, 1998)
      This shows our vision of advanced high quality tele-communication which can be achieved by combining large-scale displays, real-time audio/video transmission, virtual reality and global, high bandwidth computer networks.
    • Scanning and Reconstruction of human body parts 

      Borghese, N.A.; Ferrari, S. (Eurographics Association, 1998)
      The reconstruction of 3D models of human body parts from range data is different with respect to that of general objects as they do not exhibit sharp discontinuities. Following this consideration, HRBF models which implement ...
    • Visualization of Dynamic Processes Recorded during Epileptic Seizures 

      Dillenseger, J.L.; Wendling, F. (Eurographics Association, 1998)
      A visualization system dedicated to the analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics of epileptic processes recorded by stereoeletroencephalography (SEEG) is presented. It is based on the representation in a same anatomical scene ...
    • Towards more flexible shading architectures 

      Behrens, U. (Eurographics Association, 1998)
    • Interactive Analysis for MPEG-4 Facial Models Configuration 

      Antunes Abrantes, G.; Pereira, F. (Eurographics Association, 1998)
    • Behavior Authoring for VRML Applications in Industry 

      Dörner, R.; Elcacho, C.; Luckas, V. (Eurographics Association, 1998)
      As VRML offers behavior definition on different levels (animation behavior, interaction behavior, hypermedia behavior, application behavior) an authoring tool for VRML content creation has to comprise a dedicated behavior ...