Now showing items 641-660 of 2886

    • Facial Modeling and Animation 

      Haber, Jörg; Terzopoulos, Demetri; Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia; Blanz, Volker (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      In this tutorial we present an overview of the concepts and current techniques that have been developed to model and animate human faces. We introduce the research area of facial modeling and animation by its history and ...
    • Programming Graphics Hardware 

      Ertl, Thomas (Eurographics Association, 2003)
    • Real Numbers, Real Images 

      Ward, Greg (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      This tutorial develops the thesis that the real world is best represented by real numbers, which are approximated by floating point values in the computer. As the floating point unit (FPU) continues to accelerate, outpacing ...
    • Alternative Augmented Reality Approaches: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications 

      Bimber, Oliver; Raskar, Ramesh (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      In this tutorial we discuss application specific alternative augmented reality (AR) approaches –such as Virtual Showcases and Shader Lamps– that focus on overcoming some of the limitations linked to conventional AR displays. ...
    • Photorealistic Augmented Reality 

      Gibson, Simon; Chalmers, Alan (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Augmenting real-world images with synthetic objects is becoming of increasing importance in both research and commercial applications, and encompasses aspects of fields such as mobile camera and display technology, computer ...
    • Efficient Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Rendering Techniques 

      Keller, Alexander; Kollig, Thomas; Sbert, Mateu; Szirmay-Kalos, Laszlo (Eurographics Association, 2003)
    • Point-Based Computer Graphics 

      Alexa, Marc; Dachsbacher, Carsten; Gross, Markus; Pauly, Mark; van Baar, Jeroen; Zwicker, Matthias (Eurographics Association, 2003)
    • Preface 

      Unknown author (Eurographics Association, 2003)
    • Distributed and Collaborative Visualization 

      Brodlie, Ken; Duce, David; Gallop, Julian; Walton, Jeremy; Wood, Jason (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Visualization is widely used in science, medicine and engineering. It can convey insight into phenomena that are well-understood, or display new data in order to uncover novel patterns of meaning. Visualization is a powerful ...
    • Virtual Endoscopy in Research and Clinical Practice 

      Bartz, Dirk (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Virtual endoscopy is among the most active topics in virtual medicine and medical imaging. It focuses on the virtual representation of minimally invasive procedures for training, planning, and diagnosis without an actual ...
    • Realtime Ray Tracing and its use for Interactive Global Illumination 

      Wald, Ingo; Purcell, Timothy J.; Schmittler, Jörg; Benthin, Carsten; Slusallek, Philipp (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Research on realtime ray tracing has recently made tremendous advances. Algorithmic improvements together with optimized software implementations already allow for interactive frame rates even on a single desktop PC. ...
    • Hardware Lighting and Shading 

      Kautz, Jan (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Traditionally, hardware rasterizers only support the Phong lighting model in combination with Gouraud shading using point light sources. However, the Phong lighting model is strictly empirical and physically implausible. ...
    • An Interaction View on Information Visualization 

      Kosara, Robert; Hauser, Helwig; Gresh, Donna L. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Information Visualization (InfoVis) encompasses techniques of visualization that deal primarily with abstract data, that is, data for which the user has no preconceived mental model. This is in contrast to, for example, ...
    • A Survey of Real-time Soft Shadows Algorithms 

      Hasenfratz, Jean-Marc; Lapierre, Marc; Holzschuch, Nicolas; Sillion, François X. (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Recent advances in GPU technology have produced a shift in focus for real-time rendering applications, whereby improvements in image quality are sought in addition to raw polygon display performance. Rendering effects such ...
    • Research Problems for Creating Digital Actors 

      Ko, Hyeong-Seok; Choi, Kwang-Jin; Choi, Min Gyu; Tak, Seyoon; Choe, Byoungwon; Song, Oh-Young (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      An interesting challenge for the computer graphics community is to use computer graphics technology to simulate digital actors that seem so real that people cannot tell whether they are animated or real. Our group is engaged ...
    • Lip-Synching in Sourdough 

      Davis, Timothy A.; Johnson, Rebecca (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      This animation relates the story of a seemingly sweet doughy spokesman that has now gone sour. Through his crusty demeanor and somewhat greasy antics, our hero discovers that if you try to have your cake and eat it too, ...
    • Animating Tree Movement with Sound Effects Generation 

      Matsuyama, Katsutsugu; Ota, Shin; Tamura, Machiko; Fujimoto, Tadahiro; Muraoka, Kazunobu; Chiba, Norishige (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      This video demonstrates the methods for automatically generating tree motions and sound effects for an animation of branches and leaves moving in the wind. Natural motions of leaves and branches swaying in a wind field are ...
    • Preface 

      Unknown author (Eurographics Association, 2003)
    • Real-Time Simulation of Flexible Materials in Avango Virtual Environment Framework 

      Klimenko, Stanislav; Nikitina, Lialia; Nikitin, Igor (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      This paper describes a system for real-time simulation of linear elastic deformations of volumetric objects in Virtual Environments, implemented in Avango VE Framework 1. The approach makes use of the methods of Finite and ...
    • Real-time Obscurances with Color Bleeding (the three cubes demo) 

      Méndez, Àlex; Sbert, Mateu; Catà, Jordi (Eurographics Association, 2003)
      Here we present an animation that demonstrates the power of the obscurances technique and how it can be used in a video-game context when moving objects are in the scene. Obscurances is a powerful technique that simulates ...