Now showing items 181-200 of 259

    • Accurate Simplification of Multi-Chart Textured Models 

      Coll, N.; Paradinas, T. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
      Scanning and acquisition methods produce highly detailed surface meshes that need multi-chart parameterizations to reduce stretching and distortion. From these complex shape surfaces, high-quality approximations are ...
    • Spectral Mesh Processing 

      Zhang, H.; Van Kaick, O.; Dyer, R. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
      Spectral methods for mesh processing and analysis rely on the eigenvalues, eigenvectors, or eigenspace projections derived from appropriately defined mesh operators to carry out desired tasks. Early work in this area can ...
    • Using a Visual Attention Model to Improve Gaze Tracking Systems in Interactive 3D Applications 

      Hillaire, S.; Breton, G.; Ouarti, N.; Cozot, R.; Lecuyer, A. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
      This paper introduces the use of a visual attention model to improve the accuracy of gaze tracking systems. Visual attention models simulate the selective attention part of the human visual system. For instance, in a ...
    • Over Two Decades of Integration-Based, Geometric Flow Visualization 

      McLoughlin, Tony; Laramee, Robert S.; Peikert, Ronald; Post, Frits H.; Chen, Min (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
      With ever increasing computing power, it is possible to process ever more complex fluid simulations. However, a gap between data set sizes and our ability to visualize them remains. This is especially true for the field ...
    • Measuring Complexity in Lagrangian and Eulerian Flow Descriptions 

      Jaenicke, H.; Scheuermann, G. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
      Automatic detection of relevant structures in scientific data sets is still one of the big challenges in visualization. Techniques based on information theory have shown to be a promising direction to automatically highlight ...
    • A Copula-Based BRDF Model 

      Oeztuerk, Aydin; Kurt, Murat; Bilgili, Ahmet (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
      In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for modeling surface reflection. We focus on using a family of probability distributions called Archimedean copulas as BRDF models. The Archimedean representation has an attractive ...
    • Designing a Highly Immersive Interactive Environment: The Virtual Mine 

      Soares, L. P.; Pires, F.; Varela, R.; Bastos, R.; Carvalho, N.; Gaspar, F.; Dias, M. S. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
      To achieve a full-scale simulation of a pyrite mine, a highly immersive environment becomes necessary and this research has led to a complex system enabling users to walk through a virtual mine in real time, presenting all ...
    • Elastic Tubes: Modeling Elastic Deformation of Hollow Tubes 

      Li, H.; Leow, W. K.; Chiu, I.-S. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
      The Cosserat theory of elastic rods has been used in a wide range of application domains to model and simulate the elastic deformation of thin rods. It is physically accurate and its implementations are efficient for ...
    • BqR-Tree: A Data Structure for Flights and Walkthroughs in Urban Scenes with Mobile Elements 

      Pina, J.L.; Seron, F.; Cerezo, E. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
    • Guest Editorial 

      Joan-Arinyo, Robert; Pereira, Joao Madeiras (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
    • A Grasping Hand, Made of Small Stones 

      Peytavie, Adrien; Galin, Eric; Grosjean, Jerome; Merillou, Stephane (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
    • Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling 2009 Co-Sponsored by Eurographics and ACM SIGGRAPH New Orleans, Louisiana, August 1-2, 2009 

      Carr, Nathan; Savamati, Faramarz; Laviola, Joe; Grimm, Cindy (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
    • Multi-Perspective Modelling, Rendering and Imaging 

      Yu, J.; McMillan, L.; Sturm, P. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
      A perspective image represents the spatial relationships of objects in a scene as they appear from a single viewpoint. In contrast, a multi-perspective image combines what is seen from several viewpoints into a single ...
    • State of the Art in Example-Based Motion Synthesis for Virtual Characters in Interactive Applications 

      Pejsa, T.; Pandzic, I.S. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
      Animated virtual human characters are a common feature in interactive graphical applications, such as computer and video games, online virtual worlds and simulations. Due to dynamic nature of such applications, character ...
    • Eurographics 2009 Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (EG 3DOR 09) in Cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH Munich, Germany March 29, 2009 

      Pratikakis, Ioannis; Spagnuolo, Michela (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
    • Bidirectional Texture Function Compression Based on Multi-Level Vector Quantization 

      Havran, V.; Filip, J.; Myszkowski, K. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
      The Bidirectional Texture Function (BTF) is becoming widely used for accurate representation of real-world material appearance. In this paper a novel BTF compression model is proposed. The model resamples input BTF data ...
    • Automatic Transfer Function Specification for Visual Emphasis of Coronary Artery Plaque 

      Glasser, S.; Oeltze, S.; Hennemuth, A.; Kubisch, C.; Mahnken, A.; Wilhelmsen, S.; Preim, B. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
      Cardiovascular imaging with current multislice spiral computed tomography (MSCT) technology enables a non-invasive evaluation of the coronary arteries. Contrast-enhanced MSCT angiography with high spatial resolution allows ...
    • Constrained Texture Mapping using Image Warping 

      Seo, H.; Cordier, F. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
      We introduce in this paper a new method for smooth foldover-free warping of images. It allows users to specify the constraints in two different ways: positional constraints to constrain the position of points in the image ...
    • Time-of-Flight Cameras in Computer Graphics 

      Kolb, A.; Barth, E.; Koch, R.; Larsen, R. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
      A growing number of applications depend on accurate and fast 3D scene analysis. Examples are model and lightfield acquisition, collision prevention, mixed reality and gesture recognition. The estimation of a range map by ...
    • Adaptive and Feature-Preserving Subdivision for High-Quality Tetrahedral Meshes 

      Burkhart, D.; Hamann, B.; Umlauf, G. (The Eurographics Association and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2010)
      We present an adaptive subdivision scheme for unstructured tetrahedral meshes inspired by the -subdivision scheme for triangular meshes. Existing tetrahedral subdivision schemes do not support adaptive refinement and have ...