Now showing items 21-30 of 30

    • BSwarm: Biologically-Plausible Dynamics Model of Insect Swarms 

      Wang, Xinjie; Ren, Jiaping; Jin, Xiaogang; Manocha, Dinesh (ACM Siggraph, 2015)
      We present a biologically plausible dynamics model to simulate swarms of flying insects. Our formulation, which is based on biological conclusions and experimental observations, is designed to simulate large insect swarms ...
    • Learning Reduced-Order Feedback Policies for Motion Skills 

      Ding, Kai; Liu, Libin; Panne, Michiel van de; Yin, KangKang (ACM Siggraph, 2015)
      We introduce a method for learning low-dimensional linear feedback strategies for the control of physics-based animated characters around a given reference trajectory. This allows for learned low-dimensional state abstractions ...
    • Hierarchical Planning and Control for Complex Motor Tasks 

      Zimmermann, Daniel; Coros, Stelian; Ye, Yuting; Sumner, Robert W.; Gross, Markus (ACM Siggraph, 2015)
      We present a planning and control framework that enables physically simulated characters to perform various types of motor tasks. To create physically-valid motion plans, our method uses a hierarchical set of simplified ...
    • Hands On: Interactive Animation of Precision Manipulation and Contact 

      Humberston, Ben; Pai, Dinesh K. (ACM Siggraph, 2015)
      Humans show effortless dexterity while manipulating objects using their own hands. However, specifying the motion of a virtual character's hand or of a robotic manipulator remains a difficult task that requires animation ...
    • Efficient Simulation of Knitted Cloth Using Persistent Contacts 

      Cirio, Gabriel; Lopez-Moreno, Jorge; Otaduy, Miguel A. (ACM Siggraph, 2015)
      Knitted cloth is made of yarns that are stitched in regular patterns, and its macroscopic behavior is dictated by the contact interactions between such yarns. We propose an efficient representation of knitted cloth at the ...
    • Fully Momentum-Conserving Reduced Deformable Bodies with Collision, Contact, Articulation, and Skinning 

      Sheth, Rahul; Lu, Wenlong; Yu, Yue; Fedkiw, Ronald (ACM Siggraph, 2015)
      We propose a novel framework for simulating reduced deformable bodies that fully accounts for linear and angular momentum conservation even in the presence of collision, contact, articulation, and other desirable effects. ...
    • Multifarious Hierarchies of Mechanical Models for Artist Assigned Levels-of-Detail 

      Malgat, Richard; Gilles, Benjamin; Levin, David I.W.; Nesme, Matthieu; Faure, François (ACM Siggraph, 2015)
      We present a new framework for artist driven level of detail in solid simulations. Simulated objects are simultaneously embedded in several, separately designed deformation models with their own independent degrees of ...
    • Effect of Appearance on Perception of Deformation 

      Han, Donghui; Keyser, John (ACM Siggraph, 2015)
      We provide an experimental validation that appearance of an object can influence the perception of its level of deformation in a 3D simulation. Our study provides helpful insights in how to improve visual plausibility of ...
    • Real-Time Dynamic Wrinkling of Coarse Animated Cloth 

      Gillette, Russell; Peters, Craig; Vining, Nicholas; Edwards, Essex; Sheffer, Alla (ACM Siggraph, 2015)
      Dynamic folds and wrinkles are an important visual cue for creating believably dressed characters in virtual environments. Adding these fine details to real-time cloth visualization is challenging, as the low-quality cloth ...
    • A new sharp-crease bending element for folding and wrinkling surfaces and volumes 

      Patkar, Saket; Jin, Ning; Fedkiw, Ronald (ACM Siggraph, 2015)
      We present a novel sharp-crease bending element for the folding and wrinkling of surfaces and volumes. Based on a control curve specified by an artist or derived from internal stresses of a simulation, we create a piecewise ...