Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Hands On: Interactive Animation of Precision Manipulation and Contact 

      Humberston, Ben; Pai, Dinesh K. (ACM Siggraph, 2015)
      Humans show effortless dexterity while manipulating objects using their own hands. However, specifying the motion of a virtual character's hand or of a robotic manipulator remains a difficult task that requires animation ...
    • Learning Reduced-Order Feedback Policies for Motion Skills 

      Ding, Kai; Liu, Libin; Panne, Michiel van de; Yin, KangKang (ACM Siggraph, 2015)
      We introduce a method for learning low-dimensional linear feedback strategies for the control of physics-based animated characters around a given reference trajectory. This allows for learned low-dimensional state abstractions ...