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dc.contributor.authorPeteler, Friederikeen_US
dc.contributor.authorGattet, Eloien_US
dc.contributor.authorBromblet, Philippeen_US
dc.contributor.authorGuillon, Odileen_US
dc.contributor.authorVallet, Jean-Marcen_US
dc.contributor.authorLuca, Livio Deen_US
dc.contributor.editorGabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Juan Barcelóen_US
dc.description.abstractWhen documenting and analyzing cultural heritage, the monument states can be described by multitemporal data sets, which however present a complication for the elaboration and examination process. This difficulty leads to the necessity to improve the analyze process in order to expand the documentation process and help experts to enrich and share information about the historical buildings. Therefore an approach of change measurement, which supports the chronical comprehension of a building by visualizing and quantifying the dimensional temporal effects was elaborated, where the analyze process of a multitemporal data set was based on the interpretation of depth map images. These maps were obtained by generating ortho images of an object that was created on purpose by setting up an experimentation to acquire a multitemporal data set. This approach is the first step of a wider ongoing research about change detection processes on multitemporal data sets.en_US
dc.subjectChange measurementsen_US
dc.subjectmultitemporal data seten_US
dc.subjectdepth mapen_US
dc.subjectortho imageen_US
dc.subjectevolution of deterioration patternsen_US
dc.titleAnalyzing the Evolution of Deterioration Patterns - A First Step of an Image-based Approach for Comparing Multitemporal Data Setsen_US
dc.description.seriesinformationInternational Congress on Digital Heritage - Theme 3 - Analysis And Interpretationen_US
dc.description.sectionheadersShort Papers - Analysis of 2D/3D Documentsen_US

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