Recent Submissions

  • Levels of Detail for Crowds and Groups 

    O'Sullivan, C.; Cassell, J.; Vilhjalmsson, H.; Dingliana, J.; Dobbyn, S.; McNamee, B. and Peters, C. and Giang, T. (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
    Work on levels of detail for human simulation has occurred mainly on a geometrical level, either by reducing the numbers of polygons representing a virtual human, or replacing them with a two-dimensional imposter. Approaches ...
  • Feature Model Visualization 

    Bronsvoort, Willem F.; Bidarra, Rafael; Noort, Alex (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
    Feature modelling is now the predominant way of modelling products. Feature visualization is an important aspect here that can still be considerably improved. In this paper, an integrated way of visualizing feature models ...
  • A Spoken Dialogue System for Navigation in Non-Immersive Virtual Environments 

    McNeill, M.D.J.; Sayers, H.; Wilson, S.; Mc Kevitt, P. (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
    Navigation is the process by which people control their movement in virtual environments and is a corefunctional requirement for all virtual environment (VE) applications. Users require the ability to move, controllingorientation, ...
  • A Skeleton-based Approach for Detection of Perceptually Salient Features on Polygonal Surfaces 

    Hisada, Masayuki; Belyaev, Alexander G.; Kunii, Tosiyasu L. (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
    The paper presents a skeleton-based approach for robust detection of perceptually salient shape features. Given ashape approximated by a polygonal surface, its skeleton is extracted using a three-dimensional Voronoi ...
  • Computer Graphics forum 

    Unknown author (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
    Eurographics and Computer Graphics forum offer a variety of services on the international networks. You can find details ofour latest events, how to prepare a paper for the conference or for the journal and much more ...
  • Synthetic Vision and Memory for Autonomous Virtual Humans 

    Peters, C.; O'Sullivan, C. (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
    A memory model based on 'stage theory', an influential concept of memory from the field of cognitive psychology,is presented for application to autonomous virtual humans. The virtual human senses external stimuli througha ...
  • Vortex Tracking and Visualisation in a Flow Past a Tapered Cylinder 

    Reinders, Freek; Sadarjoen, I. Ari; Vrolijk, Benjamin; Post, Frits H. (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
    In this paper we explore a novel combined application of two of our existing visualisation techniques to thetracking of 3D vortex tubes in an unsteady flow. The applied techniques are the winding-angle vortex extractiontechnique ...
  • Editorial 

    Duke, David; Scopigno, Roberto (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • Author Index Volume 21 (2002) 

    Unknown author (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • Join Now! 

    Unknown author (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • Eurographics 2003 Modelling the Real World 

    Unknown author (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • Report of the Statutory Auditors to the General Meeting of the Members of Eurographics Association Geneva 

    Unknown author (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • New Eurographics Fellow 

    Unknown author (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • 23rd Eurographics General Assembly 

    Unknown author (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • Eurographics Italy 1st Conference 

    Bordegoni, Monica (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • 1st Ibero-American Symposium in Computer Graphics 

    Marcos, Aderito; Brunet, Pere; Jorge, Joaquim; Regincos, Jordi (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • 13th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering 

    Debevec, Paul; Gibson, Simon (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • First International Symposium on 3DPVT 2002 

    Max, Nelson (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • Eurographics Ireland 2002 Workshop 

    O'Sullivan, Carol (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)
  • Eurographics Spain 11th Conference 

    Isern, Jordi Regincos (Blackwell Publishers, Inc and the Eurographics Association, 2002)

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