Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • An Approach to Interaction Interoperability for Distributed Virtual Environments 

      Ahmed, Hussein M.; Gracanin, Denis; Abdel-Hamid, Ayman; Matkovic, Kresimir (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      We present a preliminary framework for interaction interoperability in Distributed Virtual Environments (DVEs). The goal is to allow each user to use a different input devices and interaction techniques and yet collaborate ...
    • Exploring Unsteady Flows by Parallel Extraction of Property-enhanced Pathlines and Interactive Post-filtering 

      Vetter, Michael; Manten, Sebastian; Olbrich, Stephan (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      In this work a new approach of the visualization of unsteady high-resolution flow data in a network processing chain using property-enhanced traced particles or pathlines is presented. This approach allows to select subsets ...
    • Drawing the Gaps: Graphical Methods for Representing Geospatial and Temporal Uncertainty with Cultural Artifacts 

      Trutoiu, Laura C.; Ownby, Caitlin; Shirley, Peter; Thompson, William (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      Modern visualization tools can present geographic information system (GIS) data as a 3D rendering, facilitating a user's understanding of the geospatial relationships between terrain and cultural features. While this ...
    • A User Guidance Approach for Passive Haptic Environments 

      Steinicke, Frank; Welzel, Hanno; Bruder, Gerd; Hinrichs, Klaus (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      Traveling through virtual environments (VEs) by means of real walking is a challenging task since usually the size of the virtual world exceeds the size of the tracked interaction space. Redirected walking is one concept ...
    • Intuitive Navigation in Virtual Environments 

      Steiner, Marc; Reiter, Phillipp; Ofenböck, Christian; Settgast, Volker; Ullrich, Torsten; Lancelle, Marcelle; Fellner, Dieter W. (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      We present several novel ways of interaction and navigation in virtual worlds. Using the optical tracking system of our four-sided Definitely Affordable Virtual Environment (DAVE), we designed and implemented navigation ...
    • Effects of Platform (Immersive versus Non-immersive) on Usability and Enjoyment of a Virtual Learning Environment for Deaf and Hearing Children 

      Adamo-Villani, Nicoletta; Wilbur, Ronnie B. (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      We report a user study focusing on the effects of platform (immersive, non-immersive) on usability and enjoyment of a deafaccessible game for K-5 math and science education. The study highlighted hearing status and gender ...
    • Visible Portion Estimation of Moving Target Objects for Networked Wearable Augmented Reality 

      Makita, Koji; Kanbara, M.; Yokoya, N. (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      This paper describes a new visible portion estimation method of moving target object for networked wearable augmented reality (AR) system. In annotation overlay applications using AR systems, it is important to improve ...
    • Usability Evaluation in Virtual Reality: A User Study Comparing Three Different Setups 

      Santos, B. Sousa; Dias, P.; Silva, S.; Capucho, L.; Salgado, N.; Lino, F.; Carvalho, V.; Ferreira, C. (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      We describe a user study comparing a low cost VR system using a Head-Mounted-Display (HMD) to a desktop and another setup where the image is projected on a screen. Eighteen participants played the same game in the three ...
    • A Proposal for a Procedural Terrain Modelling Framework 

      Smelik, Ruben M.; Tutenel, Tim; Kraker, Klaas Jan de; Bidarra, Rafael (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      Manual game content creation is an increasingly laborious task; with each advance in graphics hardware, a higher level of fidelity and detail is achievable and, therefore, expected. Although numerous automatic (e.g. ...
    • Improvement Rendering of Web3D Using the Shading Language 

      Sakai, Masahiro; Ichijo, Noriyuki; Dobashi, Yoshinori; Yamamoto, Tshuyoshi (The Eurographics Association, 2008)
      Many Web3D systems for managing 3DCG in the contents of HTML pages use fixed shaders for graphics API for real-time 3DCG rendering, so it is difficult to simulate the global illumination. We propose a solution to the problem ...