Computer Graphics Forum 2011

Preface and Table of Contents

Deng, B.; Pottmann, Helmut; Wallner, Johannes
Functional Webs for Freeform Architecture

Abbasinejad, Fatemeh; Joshi, Pushkar; Amenta, Nina
Surface Patches from Unorganized Space Curves

Karciauskas, Kestutis; Peters, Jörg
Rational Bi-cubic G2 Splines for Design with Basic Shapes

Nieser, Matthias; Reitebuch, Ulrich; Polthier, Konrad
CubeCover - Parameterization of 3D Volumes

Gregson, James; Sheffer, Alla; Zhang, Eugene
All-Hex Mesh Generation via Volumetric PolyCube Deformation

Dey, Tamal K.; Slatton, Andrew G.
Localized Delaunay Refinement for Volumes

Lavoué, Guillaume
A Multiscale Metric for 3D Mesh Visual Quality Assessment

Vá a, L.; Petrík, O.
Optimising Perceived Distortion in Lossy Encoding of Dynamic Meshes

Fan, Wenshan; Wang, Bin; Paul, Jean-Claude; Sun, Jiaguang
A Hierarchical Grid Based Framework for Fast Collision Detection

Sahillioglu, Yusuf; Yemez, Yucel
Coarse-to-Fine Combinatorial Matching for Dense Isometric Shape Correspondence

Windheuser, Thomas; Schlickewei, Ulrich; Schmidt, Frank R.; Cremers, Daniel
Large-Scale Integer Linear Programming for Orientation Preserving 3D Shape Matching

Nguyen, Andy; Ben-Chen, Mirela; Welnicka, Katarzyna; Ye, Yinyu; Guibas, Leonidas
An Optimization Approach to Improving Collections of Shape Maps

Papazov, Chavdar; Burschka, Darius
Deformable 3D Shape Registration Based on Local Similarity Transforms

Ovsjanikov, Maks; Huang, Qi-Xing; Guibas, Leonidas
A Condition Number for Non-Rigid Shape Matching

Hildebrandt, Klaus; Polthier, Konrad
On Approximation of the Laplace-Beltrami Operator and the Willmore Energy of Surfaces

Rustamov, Raif M.
Multiscale Biharmonic Kernels

Weber, Ofir; Ben-Chen, Mirela; Gotsman, Craig; Hormann, Kai
A Complex View of Barycentric Mappings

Solomon, Justin; Ben-Chen, Mirela; Butscher, Adrian; Guibas, Leonidas
As-Killing-As-Possible Vector Fields for Planar Deformation

Kreveld, Marc van; Lankveld, Thijs van; Veltkamp, Remco C.
On the Shape of a Set of Points and Lines in the Plane

Tagliasacchi, Andrea; Olson, Matt; Zhang, Hao; Hamarneh, Ghassan; Cohen-Or, Daniel
VASE: Volume-Aware Surface Evolution for Surface Reconstruction from Incomplete Point Clouds

Martinez, Jonas; Vigo, Marc; Pla-Garcia, Nuria
Skeleton Computation of Orthogonal Polyhedra

Mérigot, Quentin
A Multiscale Approach to Optimal Transport

Goes, Fernando de; Cohen-Steiner, David; Alliez, Pierre; Desbrun, Mathieu
An Optimal Transport Approach to Robust Reconstruction and Simplification of 2D Shapes