Eurographics 2007 - Education Papers 2007

Preface and Table of Contents

Kolingerová, Ivana
Computational Geometry Education for Computer Graphics Students

Amresh, Ashish; Karnick, Pushpak
Creating Interest in Computer Graphics by Teaching Game Development

Taras, Christiane; Rotard, Martin; Ertl, Thomas
An E-Learning Course on Scientific Visualization

Groenewegen, Saskia; Froehlich, Bernd; Huckauf, Anke; Heinz, Stefanie
ProbonoWorld: Educating the Mentally Handicapped in a Virtual Environment using Props on a Board

Davis, Tim
Teaching Data Structures and Algorithms through Graphics

Rankin, Yolanda; Lechner, Thomas
Extended Game Platform for Novice Programmers

Cunningham, Moderator: Steve
A Discussion of the CGE06 Workshop Report

Bourdin, Jean-Jacques; Cunningham, Steve; Fairn, Marta; Hansmann, Werner
Report of the CGE 06 Computer Graphics Education Workshop, Vienna, Austria, September 9, 2006