Terhörst, Philipp
Mitigating Soft-Biometric Driven Bias and Privacy Concerns in Face Recognition Systems
Rojtberg, Pavel
Automation for camera-only 6D object detection
Marin, Riccardo
Merging, extending and learning representations for 3D shape matching
Rus, Silvia Dorotheea
Extending the Design Space of E-textile Assistive Smart Environment Applications
Tereshin, Alexander
Hybrid Modelling of Heterogeneous Volumetric Objects
Ferstl, Ylva
Machine Learning For Plausible Gesture Generation From Speech For Virtual Humans
Habermann, Marc Dr.-Ing.
Real-time Human Performance Capture and Synthesis
Ly, Mickaël
Static inverse modelling of cloth
Wisessing, Pisut
Exploring Parameters of Virtual Character Lighting Through Perceptual Evaluation and Psychophysical Modelling
Rainer, Gilles
Acquisition, Encoding and Rendering of Material Appearance Using Compact Neural Bidirectional Texture Functions
Zoss, Gaspard
Data-Driven Face Analysis for Performance Retargeting
van Blokland, Bart Iver
A Search for Shape
Wang, Ziqi
Computational Analysis and Design of Structurally Stable Assemblies with Rigid Parts
Marques, Bernardo
Concepts and methods to support the development and evaluation of remote collaboration using augmented reality