Eurographics 2012 - Short Papers 2012
Biri, Venceslas; Chaussard, John
Skeleton Based Importance Sampling for Path Tracing
Harada, Takahiro; McKee, Jay; Yang, Jason C.
Forward+: Bringing Deferred Lighting to the Next Level
Prutkin, Roman; Kaplanyan, Anton; Dachsbacher, Carsten
Reflective Shadow Map Clustering for Real-Time Global Illumination
Roccia, Jean-Patrick; Paulin, Mathias; Coustet, Christophe
Hybrid CPU/GPU KD-Tree Construction for Versatile Ray Tracing
Mikamo, Michihiro; Slomp, Marcos; Raytchev, Bisser; Tamaki, Toru; Kaneda, Kazufumi
Perceptually Based Afterimage Synthesis
Köhler, Johannes; Nöll, Tobias; Reis, Gerd; Stricker, Didier
Robust Outlier Removal from Point Clouds Acquired with Structured Light
Fantoni, Simone; Castellani, Umberto; Fusiello, Andrea
Automatic Multi-view Surface Matching
Vierjahn, Tom; Lorenz, Guido; Mostafawy, Sina; Hinrichs, Klaus
Growing Cell Structures Learning a Progressive Mesh During Surface Reconstruction - A Top-Down Approach
Guggeri, Fabio; Scateni, Riccardo; Pajarola, Renato
Shape Reconstruction from Raw Point Clouds using Depth Carving
Alsisan, Suhib; Mitra, Niloy J.
Variation-Factored Encoding of Facade Images
Nießner, Matthias; Loop, Charles; Greiner, Günther
Efficient Evaluation of Semi-Smooth Creases in Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces
Lasram, Anass; Lefebvre, Sylvain; Damez, Cyrille
Scented Sliders for Procedural Textures
Zanni, Cedric; Bares, P.; Lagae, Ares; Quiblier, M.; Cani, Marie-Paule
Geometric Details on Skeleton-based Implicit Surfaces
Yu, Qizhi; Steed, Anthony
Example-based Road Network Synthesis
Bhatacharya, Haimasree; Nielsen, Michael B.; Bridson, Robert
Steady State Stokes Flow Interpolation for Fluid Control
Üffinger, Markus; Sadlo, Filip; Kirby, Mike; Hansen, Charles; Ertl, Thomas
FTLE Computation Beyond First-Order Approximation
Holladay, Seth R.; Egbert, Parris
Solid-state Culled Discrete Element Granular Systems
Hilsmann, Anna; Eisert, Peter
Image-based Animation of Clothes
Ricks, Brian C.; Egbert, Parris K.
Improved Obstacle Relevancy, Distance, and Angle for Crowds Constrained to Arbitrary Manifolds in 3D Space
Fernández-Baena, Adso; Miralles, David
Fast Response and Quick Progressive Transitions using Body Part Motion Graphs
Schemali, Leïla; Thiery, Jean-Marc; Boubekeur, Tamy
Automatic Line Handles for Freeform Deformation
Zollhöfer, Michael; Sert, Ezgi; Greiner, Günther; Süßmuth, Jochen
GPU based ARAP Deformation using Volumetric Lattices
Kán, Peter; Kaufmann, Hannes
Physically-Based Depth of Field in Augmented Reality
Szécsi, László; Illés, Dávid
Real-Time Metaball Ray Casting with Fragment Lists
Áfra, Attila T.
Incoherent Ray Tracing without Acceleration Structures
Vasilakis, Andreas A.; Fudos, Ioannis
S-buffer: Sparsity-aware Multi-fragment Rendering
Munkberg, Jacob; Akenine-Möller, Tomas
Hyperplane Culling for Stochastic Rasterization