Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2023

Bujack, Roxana; Pugmire, David; Reina, Guido
PGV 2023: Frontmatter

Alexandre-Barff, Welcome; Deleau, Hervé; Sarton, Jonathan; Ledoux, Franck; Lucas, Laurent
A GPU-based Out-of-core Architecture for Interactive Visualization of AMR Time Series Data

Wang, Zhe; Athawale, Tushar M.; Moreland, Kenneth; Chen, Jieyang; Johnson, Chris R.; Pugmire, David
FunMC^2: A Filter for Uncertainty Visualization of Marching Cubes on Multi-Core Devices

Gupta, Aryaman; Incardona, Pietro; Brock, Anton; Reina, Guido; Frey, Steffen; Gumhold, Stefan; Günther, Ulrik; Sbalzarini, Ivo F.
Parallel Compositing of Volumetric Depth Images for Interactive Visualization of Distributed Volumes at High Frame Rates

Gralka, Patrick; Reina, Guido; Ertl, Thomas
Efficient Sphere Rendering Revisited

Petersen, Marvin; Lukasczyk, Jonas; Gueunet, Charles; Chabat, Timothée; Garth, Christoph
Extended Visual Programming for Complex Parallel Pipelines in ParaView