Computer Graphics Forum 1985 / CGF 4 - 3
Pink, Jane
EUROGRAPHICS UK Chapter Conference
Aish, Robert
3D Icons and Architectural CAD
Westrup, T D; Kegel, W.; Gras, J.
User Interaction with an Environment for Image Processing and Graphics
Willis, Philip; Milford, David
Browsing High Definition Colour Pictures
Firby, P.A.; Stone, D.J.
Interference in Computer Graphics
Cottingham, Marion S.
A Compressed Data Structure for Surface Representation
Gossling, T.H.; Stokes, S.T.S
APEX and STRETCH: A Practical Form for the Conic Arc
Nicol, C.J.
Modelling Solids In Four Dimensions
Herman, I.; Reviczky, J.
A General Device Driver for GKS
Duce, D. A.
Concerning the Specification of User Interfaces
Gibson, D R; Duce, D A
GKS Graphics and Text Processing
Calendar of Events
Future EUROGRAPHICS Conferences
SICGRAPH Video Reviews
Minutes of the Fourth Annual General Meeting held at 17.30 on 28th March 1985, at the University of Bath
Institutional Membership