Computer Graphics Forum 2003 / CGF 22 - 4
Roland Schregle
Bias Compensation for Photon Maps
Post, Frits H.; Vrolijk, Benjamin; Hauser, Helwig; Laramee, Robert S.; Doleisch, Helmut
The State of the Art in Flow Visualisation: Feature Extraction and Tracking
Laycock, S. D.; Laycock, R. G.
Siggraph 2003
John, Nigel W.
EG2003 Medical Prize Competition
New Eurographics Fellow
Granada, 4 September 2003
Auditor-s Report
Author Index Volume 22 (2003) and Contents
Duke, David; Scopigno, Roberto
Computer Graphics forum
Patow, Gustavo; Pueyo, Xavier
A Survey of Inverse Rendering Problems
Vazquez, Pere-Pau; Feixas, Miquel; Sbert, Mateu; Heidrich, Wolfgang
Automatic View Selection Using Viewpoint Entropy and its Application to Image-Based Modelling
Claustres, L.; Paulin, M.; Boucher, Y.
BRDF Measurement Modelling using Wavelets for Efficient Path Tracing
Li, Ying; Brodlie, Ken
Soft Object Modelling with Generalised ChainMail - Extending the Boundaries of Web-based Graphics
Balsys, Ronald J.; Suffern, Kevin G.
Ray Tracing Surfaces with Contours
Hasenfratz, J. -M.; Lapierre, M.; Holzschuch, N.; Sillion, F.; Artis GRAVIR/IMAG-INRIA
A Survey of Real-time Soft Shadows Algorithms