Computer Graphics Forum 2000 / CGF 19 - 1
Coquillart, Sabine; Duke, David
De Neve, P.; Denecker, K.; Philips, W.; Lemahieu, I.
An Advanced Color Representation for Lossy Compression of CMYK Prepress Images
Stamminger, Marc; Scheel, Annette; Granier, Xavier; Perez-Cazorla, Frederic; Drettakis, George; Sillion, Francois
Efficient Glossy Global Illumination with Interactive Viewing
Sousa, Mario Costa; Buchanan, John W.
Observational Models of Graphite Pencil Materials
Veryovka, Oleg; Buchanan, John
Texture-based Dither Matrices
Choi, Min-Hyung; Cremer, James F.
Geometrically-Aware Interactive Object Manipulation
Book Reviews
Event Reports