Computer Graphics Forum 1985 / CGF 4 - 2
Enderle, Guenter; Arnold, David
Bias Compensation for Photon Maps
Bouville, C.; Brusq, R.; Dubois, J.L.; Marchal, I.
Generating High Quality Pictures by Ray-Tracing
Lindner, R.
A Prefiltering Raster Scan Algorithm
Pitteway, M.L.V.; Olive, P.M.
Filtering Edges by Pixel Integration
Stenger, Ludwig
HDTV - A New High Definition Television System
Murch, Gerald M.
Colour Graphics-Blessing or Ballyhoo?
Haw, R.J.
An Application of Geodesic Curves to Sail Design
Smith, B Reffin
Computers and Art
Brodlie, K.W.; Gobel, M.
Report on Workshop on Validation of Graphics Software
Comninos, Peter
The Eurographics 84 Computer Art and Animation Competition
Oliver, Martin
Book Review
Calendar of Events
EUROGRAPHICS '85 - NICE COME TO NICE! September 9-13, 1985
Scientific Software Based on GKS 22nd-25th September 1985
Offers to EUROGRAPHICS Members
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