Computer Graphics Forum 2015 / CGF 34 - 1
Korman, Simon; Litman, Roee; Avidan, Shai; Bronstein, Alex
Probably Approximately Symmetric: Fast Rigid Symmetry Detection With Global Guarantees
Huber, M.; Eberhardt, B.; Weiskopf, D.
Boundary Handling at Cloth–Fluid Contact
Schäfer, H.; Keinert, B.; Nießner, M.; Stamminger, M.
Local Painting and Deformation of Meshes on the GPU
Zhu, Fei; Li, Sheng; Wang, Guoping
Example‐Based Materials in Laplace–Beltrami Shape Space
Kopta, D.; Shkurko, K.; Spjut, J.; Brunvand, E.; Davis, A.
Memory Considerations for Low Energy Ray Tracing
Xu, Mingliang; Wu, Yunpeng; Ye, Yangdong; Farkas, Illes; Jiang, Hao; Deng, Zhigang
Collective Crowd Formation Transform with Mutual Information–Based Runtime Feedback
Lindholm, S.; Falk, M.; Sundén, E.; Bock, A.; Ynnerman, A.; Ropinski, T.
Hybrid Data Visualization Based on Depth Complexity Histogram Analysis
Payan, F.; Roudet, C.; Sauvage, B.
Semi‐Regular Triangle Remeshing: A Comprehensive Study
Scholz, Manuel; Bender, Jan; Dachsbacher, Carsten
Real‐Time Isosurface Extraction With View‐Dependent Level of Detail and Applications
Arpa, Sami; Ritschel, Tobias; Myszkowski, Karol; Çapın, Tolga; Seidel, Hans‐Peter
Purkinje Images: Conveying Different Content for Different Luminance Adaptations in a Single Image
Spencer, B.; Jones, M. W.; Lim, I. S.
A Visualization Tool Used to Develop New Photon Mapping Techniques
Samii, A.; Měch, R.; Lin, Z.
Data‐Driven Automatic Cropping Using Semantic Composition Search
Jankowski, J.; Hachet, M.
Advances in Interaction with 3D Environments
Shao, X.; Zhou, Z.; Magnenat‐Thalmann, N.; Wu, W.
Stable and Fast Fluid–Solid Coupling for Incompressible SPH
Selgrad, K.; Dachsbacher, C.; Meyer, Q.; Stamminger, M.
Filtering Multi‐Layer Shadow Maps for Accurate Soft Shadows
Celikcan, Ufuk; Yaz, Ilker O.; Capin, Tolga
Example‐Based Retargeting of Human Motion to Arbitrary Mesh Models
Pagés, R.; Berjón, D.; Morán, F.; García, N.
Seamless, Static Multi‐Texturing of 3D Meshes
Guerrero, Paul; Auzinger, Thomas; Wimmer, Michael; Jeschke, Stefan
Partial Shape Matching Using Transformation Parameter Similarity
Prévost, Romain; Jarosz, Wojciech; Sorkine‐Hornung, Olga
A Vectorial Framework for Ray Traced Diffusion Curves
Bauszat, P.; Eisemann, M.; John, S.; Magnor, M.
Sample‐Based Manifold Filtering for Interactive Global Illumination and Depth of Field
Vehlow, C.; Beck, F.; Auwärter, P.; Weiskopf, D.
Visualizing the Evolution of Communities in Dynamic Graphs
Deussen, Oliver; Zhang, Hao (Richard)
Issue Information